Chapter 6

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 ~(y/n) POV~ grayson is kneeled down holding a box containing a ring "yes! I will marry you" I say crying tears of joy "she said yes" grayson said putting the ring on my finger. Bella had her phone out recording everything "finally, one of my grandsons will get married" she says "oh my-" I say not able to finish. Me and grayson kiss and hugged each other "I can't believe this is going to happen" grayson says. bella comes and hugs me, then I see ethan walk out the room. "Hey grayson, I think you should go check on ethan" I whispered to him "ok, be right back" he says and walks out the room. ~graysons POV~ I follow ethan upstairs and in the other living room "hey ethan whats wrong?" I asked "nothing, but congratulations man, I'm happy for you" he says "don't worry man you'll find someone" I said "I did and it was (y/n) but I screwed up big time and now I regret what I did" he says "and now she is going to marry you and she seems to forget all about me" "bro you know ill always be here for you, and hey your going to be an uncle" I said "grayson I've been seeing this girl and I feel like we are right for each other but I don't know if I'm ready to ask her to marry me?" He says "well take her to where you guys met and propose there" I said "thanks man well ill get to that, now I think you should go to your fiancé" he says "alright ill see you later" I said and walked back down stairs and see (y/n) asleep on the couch I pick her up and drive her home. ~(y/n) POV/ the next day~ I wake up to find myself at my place and in bra and panties. I sit up and find grayson asleep next to me only in his boxers, I grab my phone check what time it is *11:45*I got up and went down stairs to make breakfast. ~graysons POV~ I wake up to the smell of bacon I look to my side and see (y/n) gone I went down stairs and see (y/n) in her bra and underwear putting the food on two plates. ~(y/n) POV~ I was putting food on two plates for me and grayson when I felt a pair of arms around my waist "mhm, good morning princess" grayson said "good morning baby" I said and turned around and faced him. He kissed me and I kissed back I put my arms around his neck and he picks me up and sets me on the counter, not breaking the kiss "grayson its to early" I say while he kisses my neck making dark hickeys "please princess" he says going down to my clit "how about tonight ok?" I said "promise?" He asked "I promise" I said 

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