Chapter 7

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~ 3 months later/ (y/n) POV ~ me and grayson finished eating and are about to get ready for the ultra scan "(y/n) hurry up or we are gonna be late!" Grayson yelled from downstairs "I'm sorry the baby was hungry" I say finishing my piece of cake. I ran downstairs, grayson grabbing my coat and purse and he locked the door and unlocked the car and drove to the doctors. We waited until they called me, "(y/n)" a nurse called, "here, come on grayson" I said while walking into the room and grayson behind me "take a seat and the doctor will be here shortly" the nurse said then left "I'm so nervous" I said then the doctor came in "hello, (y/n) is it?" Asked the doctor "yes, it is" I said, the doctor lifted my shirt just under my breast. Jealousy flushed Grayson's eyes as he stared at him watching every blink he made. "You can call me doctor Dre" he said with a smile (haha see what I did there) he put gel on my stomach and it honestly felt cold. Grayson was behind me massaging my shoulders. The doctor left to go get something. I felt Grayson slowly move my hair to the one side and began to suck on my sweet spot. "Grayson not here, not now" I whispered feeling my eyes close in pleasure. Grayson kissed me and I kissed back. I quickly pulled away as we heard the doctor enter. "Here it is the magic stick" the doctor said as he plugged it in. "Look at the screen" he said as me and Grayson saw a baby on it "that's your little babies, and they looks healthy to me" he said "wait, there are two babes?" I asked "yes ma'am" the doctor said "are they boys or girls?" Grayson asked "one is a boy and the other one is a girl" the doctor said "Grayson baby oh my god" I said about to cry tears of joy "I know princess I'm happy too" Grayson says "here are some wipes for the gel" the doctor said handing me some wipes and then left "Grayson?" I said "yes baby girl?" He said "what are we gonna name the babies?" I asked "well for the boy I was thinking Ethan" he said "you want to name him after your brother?" I asked "yes, so he knows he matters in this family" he says "I think thats perfect" I said while wiping the gel off my stomach "what are you gonna name the girl?" Grayson asked "I was thinking Emma" I said "perfect" he says, we left the doctors and went to the car. "Babe..." I said innocently, "let me guess your hungry again" Grayson laughed "not me they are.." I said pointing at my stomach "what are you craving?" He asked me "let order a pizza" I said "ok, lets go home first" he said

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