Chapter 16

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~(y/n) POV~ the next day me and grayson went to go get the twins from my parents then we went back home and watched t.v. "princess I'm bored!" Grayson said "well what do you want to do?" I asked walking to him on the couch, "I don't know" he said "lets go to the ULTIMATE and train?" I said "yea I'm down" he said, we both went outside and walked to the ultimate, hopefully the twins don't here us and wake up. I unlock the door and we went to the training room "wanna go against each other?" I asked "definitely" he said with a smirk "step up on the mat" I said "this is where it goes down" he said "on 3 we start" I said "1" he said with a fire ball in his hand "2' I said then I has a fire ball "3" we both said and threw the fire balls at each other, we managed to dodge them I teleported behind him and tripped him. He fell to the mat, he got up and threw a fire ball at me. I move to the side and it burned my arm. I see grayson smirking the I stick my hand in front of me and I used my telekinesis and I lifted him off the ground then I dropped him and he landed on his back. I smiled, I started to think me being invisible, I snapped my fingers and it happened I see grayson but he cant see me. I went behind him and I started to use my mind-controlling and I made him punched himself. I started to laugh and I snapped my fingers and I was visible. He threw a fire ball at me and it hit me I fell to the ground "1 point for me" he said helping me up then I pinned and tripped him "1 point for me" I said the bell ringed which meant that battling was over. Me and grayson started to talk then we kissed. We heard something from the house, I teleported us to the twins room. we saw a dark figure at the window "what are you doing here I told you to leave me alone" I said "well I never will not after what you have done to me" the dark figure said then he teleported in front of me and grabbed my neck trying to choke me " grayson.." I said and he threw a fire ball at the dark figure. He let go of me and me and grayson grabbed the twins and I teleported us to eathan's place. Grayson explained everything to ethan and Evie has helping me calm down the twins. "(Y/n) how do you know that guy?" Grayson asked me "he is my ex-boyfriend" I said looking down, grayson eyes widen "e-ex-boyfriend?" Grayson asked me "yes, my parents wanted me to be with someone like him and I never loved him" I said "it was before I met you guys and he also has powers like me" I said and held up my hand and fire came out, ethan and grayson did the same. Evie was left in shock "ethan you have powers?" She asked him "yes I do, I'm sorry I never told you" ethan says looking down then Evie went to her purse and grabbed was her wand. She waved it around her hand and fire came out "I'm a witch" she said "and you never told me" ethan said "there are good witched and bad witched, I'm the good witch" Evie said "guys we need all the help we can get cause he is after me and the twins" I said "why after the twins?" They all said i teleported to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and teleported back to the couch "since I'm not with him and the twins aren't his then he will try to kill me and raise them as his own" I said "I knew him for a week and I never loved him he meant nothing to me" I said then I teleported to grayson and kissed him "you're the one I'm meant to be with" I said looking into his eyes "you're the one I'm meant to be with too, (y/n)" grayson said and kissed me "guys you need to come stay with us" I said "we have a place we can use for training" "sure, cause we are all family" ethan and Evie said "speaking of family I need to tell you guys something" Evie said "I'm pregnant!" She said "wait, I'm going to be a father?" Ethan said "yes, yes you will baby" Evie said and kissed ethan "omg, congratulations" me and grayson said "evie, ill help you through everything ok since I know how it is" I said to her and we hugged "thank you (y/n) for everything" Evie said "so how are we gonna kill this guy" ethan said holding baby ethan in his arms "all I know is he won't be alone, he always has his friends" I said. "We will talk about this tomorrow right now I just want to sleep" Evie said. I teleported all of us to me and Grayson's mansion and me and him put the twins to bed. we were so worried that something might happen to them so we moved their cribs next to our bed in case something happens "ill take the first shift" ethan said "see you guys in the morning" "okay, goodnight guys" Evie said and she went into the guest room, ethan went downstairs, and me and grayson went to bed. " grayson, I'm worried" I said "don't be, I will let no one touch you or my babies, you guys are the only reason I'm alive" he says and kisses me "I love you (y/n)" he says "I love you to grayson" I said and we both fell asleep in each others arms.

A/n this chapter shout out goes to @sexystrongdolans. You guys go check them out. comment down if you like it or not. Next time bye😜😝✌️👋

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