Chapter 15

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 ~(y/n) POV~ they released my powers as they hit the ceiling. I started to make a ball and I threw it at a dummy. Yes, I have powers I've tried to hide them from grayson as much as possible, our twins might have them too. But hopefully not, I was so angry I lifted my hand to my side I looked at it and fire appeared I threw it at the dummy and then I held out my hand and I started to lift it up in the air. The power I have are telekinesis, fire power, teleportation, force field, mind controlling, healing, and visions. I can also snap my fingers and whatever I'm thinking about it will appear or happen. when I get mad my fire power takes over and I start to make fire balls and throw them everywhere thats why I have a house in the back of our mansion. I call this place ULTIMATE and I put stuff for training in here. grayson doesn't know that I have powers I've tried so hard to keep them hidden. I threw another fire ball but this time I threw it across the room and it hit the wall good thing this place is fire proof. "(Y/n)?" I turned around and see grayson at the door and in shock "grayson!" I said calming down "how did you?" He asked "grayson its time I tell you something" I said. Looked at him in the eyes "I have powers, and I've tried so hard not to tell you cause I thought you would be scared and leave me" I said looking down then he lifted my head and kissed me "wait, so you aren't mad?" I asked "actually I have something to tell you too" he said then he walked to where I was standing when he saw me and he threw a fire ball across the room I was shocked "I have powers too" he says looking down "baby, why didn't you tell me?" I asked "well, for the same reason you didn't tell me?" He says "what kind of powers do you have?" He asked me "I have telekinesis, fire power, teleportation, force field, mind controlling, healing, and vision" I said "I have telekinesis, fire power, super strength, force field, and healing" he said "put your hand up" he said and I put my hands up and fire came out of it, he did then same and we were walking to each other with our hands up still with the fire. We locked hands and kissed "so are you still mad at me?" He asked me "little but you were drunk so I don't blame you" I said "well then it looks like I still have to punish you for were that outfit" he says. he comes and kisses me, and I kiss back he picked me up by my back thighs and he takes me to another room in the ULTIMATE. He kicks the doors so it would close and he laid me on the bed. "Take of your shirt and shorts" he says and I snapped my fingers and both of our clothes were off, we were left naked, grayson hovered over me looking at me in my eyes, I bit my lip and he kisses my neck going down making faded hickeys. He went down to my clit and started to lick me there. "Oh grayson" I moaned, he put two fingers in me "oh f-fuck" I said. He grabbed his shaft and pumped it a few time then put it in me "oh fuck!!" I said. "Mmm, yeah, you like that baby girl? My big, fat cock in your tight, little pussy?" Grayson said "mmm, yes!" I screamed, he thrusted faster and faster "grayson I'm going -" I said "me too baby girl" he said. He started to thrust faster as we both reach out limits. *1 and a half hours later (because I'm going out with my friends in 5 mins*) as I put on my bra and panties and grayson puts on his boxers we just laid in the messed up bed "grayson we didn't use protection "I said "well I guess we'll have more kids" he said smirking "you want more kids?" I asked "yes" he said "grayson our kids might have our powers and they might not know how they work" I said looking up at the painted stars "well when did you get yours?" He asked "10 years old" I said "I got mine at 9 years old but then again I am 1 year older than you" he said smiling "you will always be, but we will always look younger" I said me and grayson will not be aging anymore cause once we marry and have kids, we stay in that age. Those are rules for people like us , marry, have kids, never age thats how it is for us "lets go back inside the house" he says "ok race you there" I said not caring if I'm just in bra and panties, I run out of the ultimate and ran to our mansion grayson behind me. you and him enter the mansion "I win" I said "no more running outside like that I don't want other guys looking at you" he said putting his arms around me "I promise" I said holding out my hand then fire came out, grayson did the same and we put our hands together to seal the promise. We went up stairs to shower then sleep. "I love you, (y/n)" grayson said "I love you too grayson" I said and we fell asleep in each others arms

A/n I'm sorry if you guys dont like the smut parts my apologies. Also if you haven't already make sure to follow me and comment down what powers you wish you had. Hopefully my boyfriend doesn't see this cause he will get mad. Anyway hope you guys enjoyed and the next chapter shout out will go out in the next chapter so peace✌️😜 I love you guys so much and thx for reading my book.😘😍💙❤️🖤

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