chapter 2

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~Graysons POV~  just as I was about to remember the rest I heard the doorbell ring, I went and opened the door to see (y/n) standing there wearing a black half see-through dress. "Hey Grayson" (y/n) said "hey come on in" I said as she entered ~mind~ oh my fucking god she looks so hot and sexy. "Omg is that (y/n)" said my nana "hi Bella how are you" (y/n) said "oh I'm just wonderful and how are you?" Bella asked (y/n) "I'm fine" (y/n) said "dinner is ready" Bella said and we all walked to the dining room, just then nana calls in Ethan to come and eat. ~(y/n) POV~ just as I sat down Bella calls Ethan to come and eat. I look at Grayson and he looks at me, mouthing 'sorry' then I look down letting my hair go on my face. Bella and Ethan enter the dining room, Ethan looks at me and I still look down. Ethan sits down across from me and Bella sits across from Grayson. We all start eating, "so nana when you getting married?" Asked Grayson "in a few months" Bella said "when do we get to meet the lucky guy?" Asked Ethan "tomorrow, he is gonna come for dinner" Bella said, then she looked at me "so (y/n) when do you want to work on the dress?" bella asked "tomorrow in the afternoon" I said "perfect" bella said "so (y/n) you seeing anybody?" Asked Grayson "um.. no I'm waiting to meet the right person" I said then I see both Grayson and ethan smirking then I smile and took a sip of wine. We all finish eating and I sat on their couch looking down, Grayson walks over to me "whats wrong?" He asked "nothing, its nothing" I said "is it because of ethan?" He asked me, he pushed my hair behind my ear, "it just weird for me, I mean I left on our wedding day, I'm just gonna go already" I said standing up. I said bye to bella and gayson, "I'll walk you out" ethan said walking towards me, we both left, we walked to my car and then ethan said " why did you run away on our wedding day?" "Grayson told me that you were cheating on me and it hurt me so much that I needed some time away from all that" I said "all of what?" He asked "all of you" I said "after you left and everyone going after you, my heart dropped then Grayson told me he told you that cheated on you and I told him that I screwed up big time" he said "well all that is behind us ok we are just friends" I said then he kissed me and I kissed back. I back away and he sees me shocked. ~graysons POV~ I look outside and see ethan and (y/n) talking then I started to get jealous. I love (y/n) I always have and always will. I looked back at them talking then I saw ethan kiss (y/n) and then (y/n) backs away and in shock, thats when I got mad at ethan. ~(y/n) POV~ me and ethan say goodbye and I drove back home. ~mind I don't love ethan, I love Grayson, I just can't seem to tell him.~

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