chapter 9

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~(y/n) POV~ *1 months later* "Grayson come on we are gonna be late to the wedding" I said. Today Bella and her fiancé are getting married "I'm going I just need to tie my tie" he said he both had to be there before the wedding started so I can help with the dress "ok, I'm ready lets go" Grayson said while getting the keys. We both walk out and get into my car and Grayson drives to the wedding. *after the drive* "thank god you two are here" Bella said while we came in, she still isn't in her wedding dress. "Bella, come on we need to get you in your dress" I said while me and her go to the changing room so she can get dressed. *30 mins later* me and Grayson stand up a long with everyone else as Bella walks down the isle. The couple exchanged vows and I do's then they kissed "attention everyone I have something to say" Bella said "Grayson and (y/n) please come up here" me and Grayson went up there and I see Grayson smirking "this is not only my wedding but this is also there wedding" Bella said "surprise!" Grayson said "is this for real?" I asked Grayson "yes, that is why your parents and your friends are coming in NOW!" Bella said. I turn to look as the door open, I see my parents and my friends in the same dresses, are they my bridesmaids? "Come on lets get you in your wedding dress" Bella said as she dragged me to the other changing room. I changed into the dress and it fit perfect. *5 mins later* as the doors open I see Grayson at the end of the isle and Ethan by his side. As I started walking I see everyone smiling and my father was walking me down the isle I held on tight to his arm. We reached the end of the isle and my father gave me a hug and looked at Grayson giving him a look saying 'you protect her' Grayson nodded. "Do you Grayson take (y/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do" Grayson said "do you (y/n) take Grayson to be your lawfully wedded husband" "I do" I said "and by the power invested in my I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" me and Grayson kissed and everyone was either recording or saying 'awe', me and Grayson walked out of the church with Bella and her husband Jacob, we all went to the after party.

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