chapter 18

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~(y/n) POV~ I was still being lifted from the ground, and still glowing I lift my hands like I was holding something in them and I started to make a ball of light. It's like I was sucking all the energy from the mansion and it was going into the ball. I threw the ball at Aaron and we went flying out the window. I was being brought down to the ground and then I see grayson and ethan run to me then I passed out. *time passes by* I woke up in the arms of grayson I took out my phone and checked what time it was 11:56 a.m. I looked around and saw that I was at ethans and evies house. I went downstairs and saw Evie cooking food. "Morning" she said "morning, where are the twins?" I asked "upstairs with ethan, he has been protecting them since you guys came back, grayson was scared to leave you alone so he was protecting you" Evie said "so what's your new power?" "I don't know what it is, only rare people like me and grayson and Ethan could get them but only one person, whoever has this kind of power is one of the most rarest people in all the world" I explained to her "oh so what other powers do you have?" She asked me then I put my hand out and took a sip of o.j. and lifted her up in the air "cool" she said then ethan entered "I always knew you were an angel" he said looking at Evie then I put her down and she went to ethan and kissed him. "Where are my twins ethan?" I asked him "upstairs sleeping" he said I teleported upstairs and saw my two babies sleeping. I took out my phone and took a picture and posted it on snapchat, then I felt a pair of arms going around my waist I turn around and see grayson "morning princess" he said giving me a kiss, I kiss back "morning babe" "I see you're better" he says I went to the bathroom and checked to make sure I'm not bleeding anymore, I was surprise my face doesn't have any bruises or cuts i was confused "I used my healing powers" grayson says "I love you grayson, you are and always will be the one for me" I said "same goes to you baby girl" he says and we kissed and went downstairs to eat breakfast "what you guys want to do today?" I asked "let go to the beach!" Evie said everyone nodded "ill tell my parents to take care of the twins" grasyson said "ok" I said *time skips* i was changing into my black bikini when grayson walked in "okay, my parents took the twins and are aware of whats happening, so are you ready?" Grayson asked "yea let me just put this on" I said and I put on a see through dress "you are not going to wear that" grayson said "why?" I asked "cause I don't want other guys to look at you" grayson said "I'm wearing the for you" I said and I kissed him he kissed back "so lets go already" I said and we went downstairs to see Ethen and Evie all ready "car or no car?" I asked "no car" they said adnevie waved her wand around all of us and we teleported to the beach. I put my stuff down and went to the water. 

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