Chapter 12

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~y/n POV-1 month later~ "Grayson where are you?" I yelled coming in from the gym I took of my sweater and I'm just in my sports bra and sweats. "I'm was upstair and be quite I just put them down for their nap" he said coming down from upstair he put his arms around my waist and kisses me, and of course I kiss back "I love you (y/n)" he said "I love you too Grayson" I said. He picked me up by my back thighs and carried me to our room "where are you taking me?" I asked "you're being 'punished'" he said as he placed me on the bed he went backed and closed the doors and locked them. I took off my nike sports bra and sweats and he did the same, he came and kissed me, hovering over me. I put my arms around his neck and he moved his hand down and pulled of my panties he then went to my clit and started rubbing it. "Oh Grayson" I said, he smirked and went down and licked my clit "hmm, Grayson!" I moaned. He put two fingers in me and started to sucked my clit. "Omg Grayson!!" I yelled "what did I tell you to call me by?" He said "oh daddy" I yelled "thats it baby girl" he said he got up pumped his shaft a few times then put it on and put it in me i whined at his size its been so long since we were able to do this he has been busy building his empires and me with the shop. This just feels like paradise. He started to thrust faster "oh daddy faster" I yelled and he smirked and picked up the pace "oh god oh yeah oh daddy!!" I yelled he kissed me to stop me from yelling so I don't wake up the kids "oh Grayson I'm going to-" I said "I know baby girl me too" he said we both released and laid there in each others arms and we fell asleep. *five hours later* we wake up to the sound of the baby monitor "ugh I'm going" I said. I brought both of the babies so grayson could help me "here you take Ethan" I said while I hand him Ethan. "Aww they are so cute how did I get so lucky to have all of you" Grayson said "it was meant to be" ~mind- I chose the wrong twin before and gave him the wrong finger and im not going to ever do that now that I chose the right twin and gave him the right finger~ "I love you Grayson" I said "I love you (y/n)" he said and kissed me and the baby dusted and we smile "and we love you to Emma and Ethan" we both said *5 mins later* the babies are asleep and so are we. I'm the luckies women on the earth, I have a husband I love with two kids I love and I have the perfect family. I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world.

A/N the shout outs ill do in another chapter I don't know which one but there will be some shout outs, also I'm not good at writing stories so hopefully you guys liked this story. When I'm done with this story I was thinking of starting another one of Grayson and Evie and another story of the Emma and Ethan a.k.a the twin babies in this story, on how they are growing up and finding love and stuff like that also stay in tuned for the next chapter you be shocked!!! 

chose the wrong twin, gave him the wrong fingerWhere stories live. Discover now