a dream came true. (Hbomb94 fanfic)

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Hey guys I'm new to this. and I'm not sure how to do it well. so I'm not sure how to make it with chapters other then how I'm doing it now. sorry bout that. I'll work on it and find out!!!

Chapter 1

I was at Chipotle with my best friend Alex. we were just eating and talking about youtube cause that's what we do. we have no life other then youtube.I am your average 20 year old girl. I'm pretty short. I have red hair, brown eyes with glasses and I guess as people say I'm good looking(not)..

I saw someone walk in that looked like someone I knew.. these two guys sat down in a table in front of us and I realized it was DeanxPlays. the odds?! I ended up day dreaming and I guess starring at him cause alex snapped in front of my fave with Dean looking at me scared. I mouthed a sorry to dean and looked down at my food.

"maybe she knows who you are Dean." I heard the man next to him say. he looked nice. really cute. brown hair brown eyes thin and looked so strong.. I looked up at him again.

"Alex I'm pretty sure that's Dean.. he knows my roommate. I should just go talk to him right? maybe...Alex!!!" I said scaredly

Alex with his smart ass remarks reply " don't be a wimp just go over their and kiss him. see what happens." I rolled my eyes and stood up

"I was joking but okay" he laughed.

"I'm not going to kiss him !!" I yelled into a whisper so Dean couldn't hear.. I walked over to them.

"uhm yeah hi... are you uh. well.. I mean I'm sorta a fan of yours.... I mean if it really... uhm are you DeanxPlays...?" I said so awkwardly. I heard Alex laughing at me and I rolled my eyes.

"why yes I am DeanxPlays. nice to meet a fan!" Dean said excited I smiled and looked to guy next to him.

"are you uhm HBomb94?" I asked. he smiled and nodded. I tried my hardest to keep my cool. it was hard but I did it.

"can I take a picture with you guys..?" I asked then looked at H " I won't post your face out. I promise you that. " they both stood up and I got a picture with one of each then all three of us together.

"wow Omg thank you . my roommate is gonna be so mad that he knew you guys longer and I met you guys first!"

Dean looked confused. "isn't that guy your roommate. or boyfriend?" I laughed alittle to my self "No that's only Alex he's just my friend. I'm single. uhm you actually know my roommate.." H looked at me "who's your roomate" I put my hand out for one of them to shake it " Hello my name is Marisa and I and TYBZI's roommate." I laughed and smiled. they both looked shocked. it was funny to see that. "let's make a deal if you guys follow me on Twitter I will not tell Mr Mike I met you guys so he won't be mad." I laughed and winked.

"Deal" they agreed and I told them my twitter name and they followed me!

" well I must get back to Mike anyways he gotta get home from work some how and some how is obviously me since I took his car. It's nice meeting you guys. Thanks for the pictures and follow." I smiled as I stood up

"I would love to see you again Marisa. I'll tweet you later tonight?" H shyly asked for permission. I smiled and nodded and walked out of chipotle. Alex looked at me "MARISA YOUR GONNA DATE YOUR HERO I KNOW IT!!" he yelled as he walked out with me. the door of chipotle was opened so H and Dean heard him... my face was as red as a tomatoe as I ran away so H didn't see me... Yikes.

a dream came true. (Hbomb94 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now