Chapter 22 Girls/Boys night out

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this chapter will be alittle differnt. other then just ONE pov, it goes from Mac to Liam to Mac again. :) sorry not sorry. hope its okiee! 

==================== Mac's Pov ===================

We were all hanging out getting to know each other when the doorbell rang. i looked at Liam and smiled. he smiled back. "Mike get the door." i smiled. he rolled his eyes and went to open th door only to find Isabel ! "isabel!? what are you doing here?!" i hear Mike say. i stoped listening after that and kept talking to eeryone else. Mike came back holding Isabel's hand and mouthed "thank you" to me. i smiled and nodded. Mike and Isabel talked and talked and i talked with the rest of everyone around. They were in their own little world until Graser spoke up. "Hey guys. how about the girls hang ith the girls tonight. boys with the boys. its a great way for th girls to catch up and get to know each other and us guys just have some fun by ourselves." he clapped once and looked around. we all looked at each other and other then Liam and I. we just stared at each other. both of us hopeing noone liked the idea. Liam and I haent been away much since my anxiety and depression came to pretty sure he didnt want to leave my side. "Don't worry Liam, I'll take care of her like i always use to." Kalila said smileing at the both of us patting my leg since she was next to me.. Liam stoped looking at me and looked at her and smiled. he nodded. "okay. sounds fun gdawg!" Liam said standing up. "im in." Bayani added. Mike laughed. "count me in brothers!" then Crystal looked at the girls. "guess that means we are forced to do something." i laughed and nodded. "yeah guess it does." Mike looked at the time. "we all go our differnt ways at six?" we all looked at our phones and saw it was only 4:30. "sure." "well Mike and I have three bathrooms. so three people can change and shower at a time. we should start now. Mike and I will go in the last three. and Liam?" i said to everyone. Liam nodded saying he will also be last. "So three GIRLS go first since we all take longer. Kalila, Crystal and Isabel. you guys go in. Isabel can go use Mike's shower. Crystal can use the hallway and Kalila use mine." i said getting up wth the three girls to show them my room and mike's and the one guest bedroom where everyone had their suitcases in. 

They all the girls were in the shower. the guys were planning out what they wanted to do. so i staied in my room and went on twitter and talked to fans and picked out an outfit. Kalila was the first to be out of the shower. she walked in with a cute black cocktail dress that was short to show off her long skinny legs and tight to show her skinny and beautiful body. and had these long lace sleeves. her hair was in the towel and she walked around barefoot for now. "were going to a bar/ club. i already planned it." she laughed as she saw me looking for something to wear. i laughed knowing that was her mind set. "BAYANI YOU CAN SHOWER IN MY ROOM NOW!!" i yelled and bayani walked in my room with just pants. "whoa baby you lookin very sexy." he winked and walked over to Kalila." no sex in the house please." i said making a gagging noise. " like you and H haent had sex in this very bed Mac?" Bayani said glareing at me holding onto Kalila like they were never gonna see each other again. "nope." i said popping the p and trying not to blush. Bayani rolled his eyes and Kalila laughed. "mhm sure." Bayani kissed her and walked in the shower. "we know you had sex. Mike told us." "what?! how does he know...?! i mean what? we didnt.. Mike lied...? " i giggled and looked back in my closet for a cocktail dress. Crystal came out next. she was wearing a blue fitted dress that matched the color in her hair, her gray glasses had became contacts and her blue eyes poped with the dress. "Graser go shower!!" i yelled while she walked in. "You guys look oh so beautiful even with a towel on your heads!" i laughed. Isabel came in last. She was wearing a short hot pink dress of course fitted, a sweetheart neckline and had a dip backing. "you look pretty yourself!" i said while she walked in. "Mike you can go in!" i yelled. Liam walked in my room as soon as Bayani got out of the shower. Graser got out the same time. 

================= Liam's POV ================

i walked in where all the girls were while the rest of the guys were in the shower. As soon as i walked in Bayani walked out with a towel wrapped around him. i rolled my eyes and walked over to Mac and put my hands over her eyes. "dood.." i rolled my eyes. Mac laughed. Isabel left the room to go into Mike's to do her makeup and Hair i guess. "what?" Bayani smirked he walked over to Kalila and kissed her cheek. she turned red and he walked out pulling her with him. i chuckled and let her eyes go. Crystal was awkwardly sitting on her bed. "uhm. im sorta stuck here until Graser gets out." she said messing with her thumbs. "its okay Crystal. actually Mac and i were just about to go shower." i said smirking at Mac. she looked at me confused. "i wont tell." she laughed. i pulled Mac in her bathroom with me and took my clothes other then my boxers off. "liam!" she laughed turning red. "what?" i smirked. " i uhm.." she looked down at her feet. "Mac. i promise we wont do anything. just gonna shower.. its faster." i laughed. "its uhm not that.. but good... uhm.." she trailed off "you never saw me naked other then in the dark." she mumbled. "what was that?" i asked even though i heard her." you never saw me naked other then that night. in the dark Liam..." i said louder and looked at me. i sighed. "Mac stop. you are beautiful. even with every imperfection you think you have okay?" i said hugging her. she hugged back and nodded. she didnt move.. she was scared and you can tell. i kissed her.  i put the water on and pulled my boxers off. "close your eyes..." she said, she didnt see i took my boxers off. "alright." i closed my eyes and i heard her get in the shower. "can i open them?" "Yeah." i opened my eyes and saw her clothes on the floor next to my boxers. i got in the shower behind her and wrapped my arms around her. "i love you Mac. You are so beautiful." "i love you too Liam." we washed each other and didnt do anything. like i promised. the most we did was kiss each other. we didnt touch either or private parts even though i could tell she wanted to. 

When we got out Crystal was out of her room. and i heared everyone else outside. I got changed in my dress shirt and dark color jeans and dress shoes. Mac put on her yellow strapless dress that was a sweet heart? i guess thats what its called and as short and fitted to her perfect body. on the sides of the dress there were slips where she showed skin with a low back to it. she showed alot of skin. so the girls im guessing had the same idea as us and are going to a bar.  i never left the room while she changed. we talked while she curled her hair and did her makeup.  when she was finished we walked out to see all the girls did something to their hair. Isabel had her hair in a high ponytail. Kalila had her hair half up half down and Crystal just had her hair down and straight. everyone had makeup on but Crystal had only alittle around her eyes. the guy had ties just like me and Mike had suspenders and a bowtie. none of the girls were earing their shoes yet but they all had them next to them. Crystal had dark blue heels, Kalila had red pumps, Isabel had tan heels and Mac tan pumps. Bayani was wearing a black shirt, Mike had on white. Graser had on dark dark blue and i had on a dark gray shirt.  we were all ready and dressed. The boys were leaving first. "So you guys have fun." mike said kissing Isabel. "see you guys later." Bayani said kissing Kalia on the cheek then the lips. "Bye baby " Graser said kissing Crystal. i hugged Mac "if you need me. call me. please be careful. and please please bring your pills with you." i whispered in her ear. "i will. you be careful too. dont do anything stupid." she smiled. i kissed her long and hard. " i love you." " i love you too." we kissed again and didnt stop until Graser pulled me away. "thats enough you too. save it for later. or another shower." he said. i rolled my eyes and Mac's face turned red. "bye Mac! call me if you need me and text me, keep me updated!" i yelled as Graser dragged me away. "okie! byee!" she laughed and waved. We all got in the car and Mike drove us to the bar for a boys night out.

==========Mac' Pov===========

After the guys left we all got our bags and waited until 7 to leave. 6 was WAY to early and the club we were going to didnt open until 8 anyways. it also takes us about an hour to get there. we all looked like sluts. we were all ready to party and get to know each other better and talk about our boyfriends and our sex lives. should be fun! we called a taxi to drive us there  since were the smart ones and didnt want to drive so one of us had to stay sober. its all good in the hood rightt?  i had my pills just like Liam told me too and i told the girls if i start to have a panic attack give me one of them and water. make me just sit down and not move until im okay again. they all nodded and we were on our way for a girls night out.

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