Chapter 10

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Liams POV:

 *time skip to Friday*

its finally Friday. Friday. my date with Mac is today! i smiled to myself thinking about what to do. i have no idea.. i called TYBZI "hello?" he answered "hey brother i have a question for ya." i said. "oh yeah what up H." "what should i do with Mac today on our date?" there was a pause. i guess he was thinking of something. "Cook her dinner. she likes being cooked for and doesnt like going out much for it cause shes weird." he chuckled "great idea thanks TYBZ" "no problem just one thing. have her bring her top five movies and watch em with her. and ill give you some of her clothes so she can stay over its probably going to be a long night. and i dont wanna wait up for her. OH and use condoms!" he laughed " why do you always tell us to use condoms? we arent going to do anything!" i rolled my eyes. "Oh im sure H. im sure." "okay TYBZI thanks. bye!" "bye H" we hung up. now what to make. i should text her tho.

"Hey Mac its Liam aka Hbomb94 aka your hero ;)" 

"haha very funny hai H"

" <3 so tonight wear something nice. nothing too fancy tho. and bring your top five movies. ill pick you up at like 5:30?"

"sounds good!! so i should be wearing like sweat pants and i hope your ready to watch a bunch of disney movies!! ;) "

"eh i mean i bet you would look hot but dress up alittle bit more pleaseeeeeee but im okay with disney movies as long as im with you ;)."

"fine only cause your cute when you beg and good cause thats all im bringing! maybe one non disney sound good?"

"haha thanks baby and sounds good!."

"ewie dont call me baby im an adult sir!"

we texted for a while. and then i realized i hadda start cooking some food. i went to the store and got some things. when i came home it as 4:30. i have an hour. instead of cooking im going to start getting ready. i went in the shower , then got dressed in my gray button up and black pants. i pushed my hair back like a guy from the outsiders. im cool im aware. it was 5:15. when i was done getting dress so i got my keys and started driving to Macs house. it takes about 20 mns to get there anyways.

when i got to her house Mike was already outside with a camrea. i think he was vlogging. he had a foam iron sword out too. i chuckled as i got out of the car. "Hey brother." i called over. "Hey sister!" he laughed. he pointed the camera at me and i hid my face. "Mike i havent showed my face yet buddy. edit that out if you saw me please." i begged. "fine i will dont worry. he turns the carmera off and hands me a backpack." her clothes for the night then some for tomorrow. even thought she wont change to come back her. just in case youguys wanna do something its just pants and shirt. i am her fashion guy." he laughed. i got it and put it in the back seat of my car. "okay. cmon ill go get her.  actually H i do have to talk to you for real. " " okay whats up Mike." "shes my best friend H. dont get me wrong i love you and your my best friend too. but Mac is really important to me. and if you hurt her. i might not be able to forgive you myself. and i might have to hurt you myself." Mike said with a serious look on his face. " Mike i promise you i would never hurt her. i really like her. " i reassured him. he nodded. " im just saying. if i ever find out you did something to hurt her i sw-" he was cut off by Mac walking out the door.

She was wearing a light pink sun dress with her hair tied in a side ponytail. She had light makeup on and she looks so beauitful. he then had a little light blue side bag im guessing had all the things she needed and have the movies in it.  i couldnt help it but i found myself stareing at her with my jaw dropped. "Mike leave him alone." she said and walked over to me snapping me out of my thoughts. " Well don't you look beautiful. Thanks for not wearing sweat pants." i smiled spinning her around. "awe. thanks Hbomb94 you dont look so bad yourself." she blushed. "Bye mike." i waved "REMEBER WHAT I SAID ON THE PHONE BEFORE ABOUT THAT THING I ALWAYS SAY!" he yelled back and laughed. i walked to my car with Mac's hand in mine. i opened the car door for her. " oh thank you Mr H." she smiled getting in. "you're very welcome. " i said shutting her door. i went to the driver's side and got in. i started the car and a Luke Bryan CD was playing. i as about to turn it off but she louded it and ang to each and every song.

When we got to my house i pulled into my driveway and parked the car. i got out of the car first and went to her side and opened her door. "Oh ell thank you! you know i can open doors you know. " she teased. "yeah i know im just being nice since our date is sorta just at my house tonight. " i smiled. she got out of the car and shut the car door behind her. i went in the back seat and got the backpack Mike gave me. a Condom fell out of one of the water bottle holder things. i rolled my eye and put it inside it. " whats that?" she said looking at the backpack "Mike told me to keep you hear the night so he gave me some of your clothe so you can sleep in." i smiled. "ohh gotchu hes hanging out ith his girlfriend tonight thats why." she laughed. god her laugh is so cute. we walked in my house and went into the kitchen. " so whats for dinner dear!" she asked smiling at the pots and pans. " well i gotta make it. i guess we can go italian since i sorta only have italian things here." i smirked. "sounds yummy. so our date is you making me dinner and watching movies all night untill i fall asleep here since im not allowed to go home? " she blushed alittle " yes ma'am thats the plan. then tomorrow you can either go homee orr we can go around town and hang out or something.  i recorded all my videos for tonight and everything for tomorrow other then factions with Graser and Kevin so i have to do that at some point." i looked at her seeing her eyeing the food. i laughed " hungry?" " yess. i havent had anything all day! so this better be the best meal i ever ate in a week." she giggled. " i can try. its almost done though." she nodded and waited.

The food was ready so i gave her a plate and we went into it. we ate almost all of the food leaving some left over. over dinner we talked over the stupidest things and made jokes and talked about how ugly Graser was it was great. she even said she shipped me and Graser or me and Parker which i guess was ok. When we finished she took out movies. she had Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, Saving Mr. Banks, Remember Me and The Avengers. i laughed at all her movies. "i told you i like disney. but i let you go and brought TWO non disney movies but one is sorta  a chick flick." she giggled. " thats fine i never watched three out of the five." i smiled. her face seemed so shocked. " i can guess the movies you havent watched and i might cry cause you havent so the ones you have which im guessing is Beauty and The beast and the Avengers we are watching LAST! you sir are going to stay up reallllly late watching these atleas Frozen and Saving Mr Banks! they are the best! Remember Me we could always watch another time!" she almost yelled at me still shocked. i laughed and nodded. we went to the couch and i put in Frozen first. i had one big blanket and put it over us. she cuddled next to me and i wraped my arms around her. " Hey Mac before the movie starts can i ask you something." she nodded her head into my chest. i smiled " Will you be my girlfriend?" she looked up at me and smiled " Of course i wouldnt have wore a dress tonight if i didnt want to be!" she giggled and blushed. i laughed and kissed her lips. when we pulled away she bite her lip and got closer into cuddleing me facing the Tv. I smiled and pressed play and Frozen started.

I think i love Mac. I am never letting her go. No Matter What. 



Hey guys. this was a pretty long chapter! i havent updated this for a few days and i had a good idea for this chapter. i think this will forever be my favorite chapter in this fanfiction so far! i think ill be updateing this one every other day. My other fanfiction will be the days between. So check that one out as well! Bye Bye i hope you guuys are enjoying my storiess.  <33333333

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