Chapter 20 - The Perfect Day

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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mac's POV =-=-=-=-=-=--=

I woke up the next morning in Liam's arm wraped around me tightly. i smiled as i turned to look at him. he was still fast asleep. so peaceful and perfect. i didnt wanna move so i just stayed cuddled up towards him. Loving feeling the warmth of his body against mine. it wasnt till i heard Mike in the next room that i realized we were both still naked from the night before. i smiled at the thought Thinking of ho amazing our first time was. i giggled to myself thinking of everything and how i cant wait for it to happen again. i quickly snaped out of my thoughts when i heard footsteps coming closer to my room. i shook Liam awake. "Liam! Liam! wake upppp!" "five more minutes." he groaned. i rolled my eyes and  heard the footsteps closer. "Liam! Mike is coming!!" i said getting out of bed to atleast grab a shirt. i ended up grabbing Liam's shirt and throwing it on and putting on underwear then grabed his boxers for him to put on. "so?" he moaned. "your still naked." he looked under the covers and laughed at himself. "oh wells good night.. wait is that my shirt? get naked again." he pouted. i couldnt help but to smile and roll myeyes. "maybe later." i grabed my hand and pulled me in the bed as i held his boxers for him to put on. he didnt. he closed his eyes holding me tightly so i cant get up again. there was a soft knock on the door. "shh" Liam whispered. i didnt say anything. i looked at Liam, in his beautiful sea blue eyes and i guess you can say i got lost in them. a knock again snapped me out of my thoughts. "Mac.?" Mike says opening the door alittle. "hi mike." i say turning away from Liam to look at Mike. "oh hey Liam." Mike says shocked. "when you get here?" "last night dood. came late." Liam yawned. i giggled and thought about last night. Liam must of had the same thought cause he pinched my ass. i yelped alittle bit and Mike just looked at us. "Mac did you want to tell me an idea you were having?" "uh yeah. ill tell you later i guess.." i sighed. 

As we were talking to mike i slid my hand to Liam's thigh and traced cicles lightly on hs inner thigh. i felt him tense up from behind me. "its on." he mouthed as i smirked at him. i nodded lightly. proving it was on. i grabed at his member right away and squeezed. he goaned but covered it with a cough since Mike was in the room. i rubbed at it alittle to make it happen again. "Liam are you staying the whole day?"  Mike asked. i smirked and squeezed and rubbed faster. "mm uhh y-yea i i th think" he coughed out. i giggled and stoped. i got out of bed carefully not to let Mike see he was naked under the covers. "Well im got work today so im leaving in a hour." Mike said awkwardly. "oh. you have work today?" i sighed. he nodded and left my room. i crossed my arms as i walked to shut my door. i pouted at Liam. "what was that for?!" he groaned. i shruged. "hey whats wrong?" he said starting to get out of the bed. i strugged again and he started to walk over to me. i looked down at his penis for a second since he was still naked and turned red. he kissed me and put his boxers on. i sighed and throw the pants at him. "now tell me babe." he said putting them on. "Bayani is coming tomorrow. and his girlfriend is coming." i say "oh and Graser"  he smiles. i look at him. "wh- what? n- no there not?" he just nods. "yeah Graser and his Girlfriend Crystal wants to come to Chicago. just Bayani  Graser and their girlfriends." i smile thinking of how im finally gonna meet Graser and Bayani. Ever since i started dateing Liam, Graser and Bayani have been trying to talk to me and become my best friends. it happened too. But now their Girlfriends. i dont like girls much... i mean of course me and Kalila are gonna hit it off since we knew each other forever. but i never talked to Graser's girlfriend before. and shes Graser's girlfriend.. after thinking about it for a while and just standing there with Liam stareing at me. i started to feel sick. i felt shakey. i felt like the world was on my shoulders. i looked  at liam and saw he was getting worried.

"Mac do you need -" he started to say i cut him off "yes.. in the bathroom.. white bottle. says Marisa on the cap." he nods and rushes to the bathroom. as hes in there i lean on the wall. holding myself up.  Liam came back with a glass of water and apill. i dont let go of the wall and just look at him. "open your mouth." he says. "thats what he said." i half smile. he smiles and waits for me to open. i open my mouth like he says and puts the pill on my tounge and helps me drink the water since i started to shake worst by the time he got back. "thanks." i say he just nods nd picks me up. we sit on my bed and just laid there. Mike has already gone to work so it was just me and Liam. after an Hour i finally felt better. i jump out of the bed and runs into Mike's room grabbing his laptop. Liam followed me wondering what i was doing. i smiled and went on the laptop logging on Mike;s Skype. i waited a few mins for everything to load then i called Isabel.

"Hey Mike i thought you were at Woke--- oh Hey Mac?" Isabel said when she answered and the called loaded up."hey Isabel! so i have an idea. Mike doesnt know about it." i smile Liam sits behind me wraping his arms around my wasit. "Hey H. And what is it?" "Hey Isabel." Liam replies. "so my idea is you fly out to chicago and surpise Mike.! " Liam laughs in my hair as i tell isabel my plan. "im in! im off from school for a week so count me in!!" Isabel yelps. for the next hour we just plan everything and how shes going to come and surpise Tybzi. after we did me and Liam got off and went back in my room. "im tired." Liam yawns.  i nod and i jump in my bed. he climbs over me. "Hey Mac?" "yeah?" "i love you. to the moon and back." "i love you too Liam to pluto and back and back there again." i giggled. we just cuddle and fall asleep together n each others arms. it was the perfect day to fit the perfect night.


hey guys sorry its pretty crappy. next chapter will be better. hope your guys liked it if you did leave a like and comment telling me something i should do for the following chapters.

anyone want more smut? or more drama? tell me what ya guys want and i got you XD

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