Chapter 10

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Sutton's P.O.V.

When we got to the spot I almost started crying. I had so much memories here. With Mags, Char, and Em. We just use to lay on the hill and think about our first kiss. I miss those times when we were younger and carefree. I wish I never had to move away. I wish me and Hayes never had that fight. I just wish it was all different. After about 10 minutes I saw Mags walking up the hill. It was now or never.

Mags' P.O.V.

I was walking up the hill and I saw Nash. He was with this really pretty girl. I wonder if thats his girlfriend. I got up there and started to Nash. Hey Nash. "Hey Mags how have you been". Good, not to sound pushy but why did you call me here. "Because someone wanted to meet you". Is it your girlfriend over there. "She is not my girlfriend but yes that is the girl". Ok so invite her over. Lets just get this done and over. My best guess is shes just a snob. When the girl gets over here she almost tackled me to the ground with a hug. She started crying and saying she missed me. Do I even know her? Like honestly I have never seen this girl in my life. When she pulled away and wiped the tear away she started talking.

"Ok I know you think I crazy cuz I came over and almost tackled you to the ground. But the reason I called you here. Well actually Nash did but thats not the point. I basically wanted to tell you in person. So just here me out. I have missed you a lot Mags. You have been there with me through almost everything that has come my way. I remember the one time we accidentally got locked out of your house and it was raining. We couldn't go to my house cuz my family was gone for the weekend and I didn't have a key. I remember we both went to the hospital after two hours of being outside. Thank god your mom got home. We had mild pneumonia, and we looked dead. When we got out of the hospital I kept blaming my self cuz it was my idea to go outside in the first place. Then you told me you were never mad at me cuz it just got us closer together than we were before. After that we swore we would never go outside if it was suppose to rain. I remember a lot more times then that but that was the biggest memory of all. Just because the day you told me that I knew you were my best friend. I told you no matter what happened I would always be there for you. No matter if were friends are not. If you have a problem call, text, or just come over. But that all changed when I moved. We grew farther away from each other. But out of you, Char, Em, and me. We were always the closest. I love you like my sister and that will never change. I am home for good "hopefully".

When she told me that I knew who it was. At this point I was balling my eyes out. I missed her so much and now shes home. I hugged her super tight when we let go she said four words. "Mags its me Sutton".

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