Chapter 24

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Matt's P.O.V.

One of the last girls that came up was really nice. She had short brownish blond hair. She had light blue eyes and a dark blue rim. She was wearing a light green crop top, dark blue high waisted shorts, and white vans. She was so pretty. She got up to the table. I recognized her from somewhere. Hayes I will be right back make sure this girl stays right here. "Ok", I walked over to my bag and opened it. I grabbed my year book and opened it to my grade. I looked through the pictures. Found her Brooklyn Brooks. I went to the back of the book. I look through the comments. She commented in my yearbook. "Hope to see you next year Matt. Please don't forget our friendship". I dropped my year book and walked back to my table. I walked up to her and hugged her. "Hey long time no see". Hey what happen to I don't like Magcon? "Well your friend gave me tickets and told me you wanted to see me". Thank god, did they say a name? "Yah her name was Sutton". Ok well when the show is over wait here we need to catch up. "Ok see you then". I sat back down couldn't stop thinking about what Sutton just did for me. "What was that"? An old friend that I forgot about, but thanks to Sutton I have her so close to me. "Oh well can we stop talking about her". Yah but I have to ask you one more question. What did you say to her? "Its a secret between me and her". Ok well your pretty hated on right now. You made Sutton's friends pretty mad. "Yeah but lets forget about it ok". Yah whatever dude but you cant be mad at her forever. She will forget about you and you will have to watch her be happy with another guy.

Char's P.O.V.

After Em got this date type thing we decided to check if Sutton is in town. We just walked straight down the road. We decided to check the lake cause Sutton always goes to lakes when she gets upset. We got down there and there was blood all over the shore. There was a body on the shore we walked over there to see if they were ok. We flipped them over. It was Sutton she was bleeding from her head. I grabbed her head and lifted it up to support it. I was crying so hard. Mags checked her breathing. She was barely breathing. I made Em hold her head up. I got up and started to walk to the Magcon building.

When I got there I went straight to the VIP room. When I got in there the boys were in a circle talking and laughing. I guess they heard me crying and turned towards me. "What happen to you" Nash asked. I will tell you as soon as Hayes tells me what he said to Sutton. "Its not your business" Hayes said. Fine if its not my business then its not your business to know what I am about to say. Oh by the way Taylor your little crush, she's dead. Thanks to whatever Hayes said to her in that text made her do this. By the way Nash this is Sutton's blood all over me. Oh and have fun with your day.

I walked out of the room and outside. Someone grabbed my shoulder it was Taylor. "Wait did you just say Sutton is dead". Yeah I did and you know what, whatever Hayes said to Sutton is the reason why she's dead. I got out of his grip and walked back to the lake. Em and Mags still had Sutton in their arms. I started crying harder when I got closer. We just got her back and now she is gone again. She cant be dead, why does she have to leave. I got up to her and grabbed her hand.

Sutton you cant leave us. We just got you back. Sutton we need you. You compleat our group. It wont be the same thing knowing that you will never be coming back. If your still in there just know we all love you. Don't ever regret what you did to Hayes he deserves everything he gets. Just please Sutton don't die on us we need you.

Taylor's P.O.V.

"Yeah I did and you know what, whatever Hayes said to Sutton is the reason why she's dead".

I slowly fell to the ground. Sutton is dead, I started to get mad. I got up slowly and walked back into the room. I had tears in my eyes. "What did she say" Cam asked. She said she was dead and whatever Hayes said to her is the reason. "Ok guys its time to get on stage" a security guard said.

After the show we all just sat in a circle. I wanted to go over to Hayes and just punch him in the face. He is the reason Sutton is dead. A couple people just sat there a couple talked about other things. But I just tuned everybody else out. Why does nobody else care that she is dead. Hayes doesn't even look stunned. How could he just live life like nothing happen. The girl he liked so much is dead. I got up and walked to my hotel room. I had to share it with Aaron but other then that I like it here. I just sat on my bed and thought about everything. I closed my eyes and soon after sleep took over me.

Hayes's P.O.V.

I cant believe Sutton is dead. I didn't know she would take it that far. I kept thinking of the times before we had ever thought of dating.


"Come on guys lets go get ice cream". "Thats a good idea Sutton". So what flavor are you getting Mags? "Im getting Vanilla". "Im getting Strawberry" Sutton said. That sounds good I am getting that too.


Hey Sutton want to go to the beach. "Yah sure Im already dressed for it cause I went to the lake". Well lets go. .......Stop slashing me Hayes". No its fun. "I don't care just stop".


Lets play hide an seek in the dark. "Yah" all the girls agreed. "Hayes is it first" Sutton said. Fine but I'm only counting to 60. "Thats fine but no peaking" Char said. I won't now go hide.

**end of flashback**

We had manly good memories. Most of the memories that I remember we were like 7 or 8. I miss Sutton and the other girls we used to be such good friends. I wonder what happened to us. I guess its just cause we grew up. We used to spend so much time together. We did everything together. I started to cry. Matt sat by me and put his hand on my shoulder but I got up and walked away to my room. She can't be dead she just cant. She's my best friend. I got halfway to my room and just fell to the ground. I was balling my eyes out. I cradled my knees and just sat in a corner. I fell asleep crying and saying. She cant be gone she just cant.

Sutton's P.O.V.

I stood up and looked down at the girls. Am I dead, they are surrounding my body. I cant leave them. I have to at least say goodbye. I have to talk to my mom and sister one more time. I cant leave its not my time yet. I cant just leave. I have to comfort them. I have to get married and graduate collage. I have to be strong when they get hurt. I have to tell Hayes that he is my best friend. It wasn't him who did this to me. He is not the reason I did this. I have to tell him that I just have to. I looked at the girls and they were just crying. It hurt me to see that I cant help them get pass this. They have to know it wasn't Hayes it was my dad.

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