Chapter 13

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Hayes' P.O.V.

"I don't know Hayes do I, and even if I did how come you haven't seen me."

I don't know but will you just tell me if you do? " can figure that out by your self." Fine but if you live here I will find you. "I don't know Hayes Im good at a game of hide and seek." Oh so now you live here? "Like I said Im good at hide and seek I never said where the boundaries are."

I heard laughing and then the phone line went dead. Im a little frustrated at her. The least she could do is give me a hint. I mean the world is big and Im just one person. I know the last time we saw each other we had a fight but seriously. Wait there was two laughs. Oh yeah I forgot she has a little sister named Loral. They never told me her full name though. But I don't care that much. Come to think if it I have never know any of their full names. Well whatever I will ask Sutton once I find her.

Sutton's P.O.V.

Me and Mags just laughed for a while. When we hung up the phone we went to get a snack. I was happy I was hanging out with Mags. We were always so close. Thank god for a wonderful friend like her. Only if everybody had a friend like her. But I am happy she is just my best friend. I mean we have a group of friends. Mags,Emily,Char,and me. We all just click. Again I am not as close to them as I am Mags. Since Mags was spending the night we just decided to say goodnight to every body and we went to sleep.

-------next morning-------

When we woke up we walked downstairs. We smelled food in the air. The kitchen was filled with the sent. My mom was cooking pancakes,eggs,and bacon. I love my moms cooking. "Thank you Liz". My mom's real name is Lizzy but people call her Liz. "Oh your welcome sweety". Thanks mom love you. I sat down and ate my breakfast. Along with Mags,when we finished we went back upstairs. So what do you want to do to day. "I don't know maybe we should like stalk Hayes and send him pics so he gets confused." Thats a great idea, how long have you been thinking that? "When you said you were good at hide and seek". Wow I would have never thought of that. "Yah I know thats why you have me". I have missed you so much. "I have missed you so much too". We hugged and laughed, we got dressed and went outside.

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