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3rd person POV

46 year old Amanda was on the beach studying rocks and small creatures for her marine biologist job as she heard a small cry in the distance. She heard the cry in a area where there were large rocks and tide pools that most crabs and snails would roam. Amanda was left in shock to see a baby girl who looked about 2 or 3 months old, crying and holding a shell. "Oh my gosh!" Amanda gasped as she saw that the baby had a medium size bleeding gash in her right arm, she ran back to her area of the beach to grab a towel and bandages. She then ran back to the baby, wrapped the girls arm in the bandages, covered her with the towel, grabbed her stuff and went back to the car. The baby stopped crying on the way back home in Amanda's arms, at least she's alright, who would even abandon such a sweet girl like this?. While Amanda stopped at a stoplight, she looked over at the baby and noticed that on the girls left arm there was a light blue cursive marking that spelled "Samantha".

Amanda's house wasn't perfect but wasn't bad, still able to raise a child. Amanda ran a bath for Sam to clean her up, when Sam heard the water running she then gave out a small laugh. "You like the water?" Amanda asked slowly putting her in as she gave a laugh of agreement but what happened after left Amanda in shock. When Amanda put Sam in the water, Sam's legs morphed into each other changing a sapphire-blue color forming a beautiful mermaid tail. "What.....are you?" Amanda quivered picking her back up with Sam's legs spacing apart forming legs again.

4 years later

Amanda still cared for Samantha like a daughter. Sam learned the normal ways that people would act to fit in with society but she would do some things that made the others suspicious, including Amanda. When Amanda saw that Sam would gain a tail in water she took extra measures by making her take regular showers because she would only get a tail when submerged. But even when learning how things worked she would sometimes cause trouble.

Amanda worked in an aquarium and studied fish before giving them an exhibit. Amanda took Sam to the aquarium one day as a customer, a song came up on the intercom that Amanda would always put on the car radio that Sam would always dance to, "hey! I love this song" Sam yelped in delight as Amanda looked down at her, what a sweetie! Amanda thought as her little girl had a joyful look on her face. 1 minute into the song and Samantha was still happily bouncing with every step she took in the aquarium, Sam's favorite part of the song came up as she wanted to sing along with it. "🎵I am stuck in the dreaming, I can't help what I'm feeling, I don't know what I'm feeling, when you are with me, my heart is beating!🎵" Samantha sang to herself in a remarkably beautiful voice that stunned Amanda for a second until she noticed something. The people in that area turned to them and stared slowly walking twords them, Amanda noticed that as they got closer, the middle of their pupils had little blue lights that got closer. "Come on Sam, we don't want to draw to much attention" Amanda whispered to Sam who gladly stopped.

The entire time that they drove home Amanda was thinking, what was that creature that had a tail and had a hypnotic voice?.

After they got home, Amanda went to her bookshelf and looked for a book about mythical creatures until she found the book "Amazing aquatic abilities and monsters" Amanda immediately started flipping through the pages in the aquatic monsters section until she found the page that revealed it all.


Sirens are beautiful yet dangerous creatures. Sirens have been known to have very hypnotic voices that lure sailors to their death. The song that they sing is supposed to put the victim into a trance-like-state, hypnotizing them to go underwater where the song makes the victim lose the ability to move; slowly causing them to drown. Sirens are known to portray themselves as merpeople but they are known to become humans on land and gain their tails when submerged.

 Sirens are known to portray themselves as merpeople but they are known to become humans on land and gain their tails when submerged

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Amanda was left in shock reading what the book contained.
My little girl is a siren
12 years later

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