Caged secrets

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Samantha's POV (thursday)

"Please tell me your going to let me join the swim team?" I asked hoping for my grandma's response being the opposite of what she would usually say "no Samantha". Just a I predicted that she would always say "I'm sorry Sam but you can't be on the team" my grandmother tried to make me accept the offer of some other clinic to take in 11th grade. "Oh are you afraid that I'm going to drown?, They have swim classes" I tried arguing but was cut off by her excuse she always uses. "Samantha we've been over this, when you were young you had to get a tumor out of your leg, the doctor's said you would be fine but you could never swim" she would always say to throw me off .

"what about choir classes?" I looked at my registration forms and stopped at a part of the paper. "No Sam" she sighed putting her glasses back on. "Grandma, I heard my voice, I think it would be great in a choir" I tried reasoning with her but she would always say "I'm sorry Sam, but you can't go to the class for separate reasons" she would always say. "Fine, I'll do art, marine studies, cooking and Greek research" I caved accepting another year of rejection. "Thank you Samantha, I'm sorry it has to be this way" she tried to comfort me but I had already taken the forms and strutted to my room.

For the past 16 years of my life I had always been wanting to either join a choir or swim team but grandma would always reject making me do something else sense our registration forms would come 3 months after the first day so we wouldn't have to fill it out during summer. The only thing grandma likes me doing is marine studies because she works as a marine biologist at a aquarium. But I guess I can't blame her because I always had a love for the ocean and the mythical creatures that secretly roam within.

I got on my bed just wanting to finish my day forgetting about the things that grandma always rejects. But before I went to bed, I prayed the same thing I always would "Please, let my dreams help me find the reason grandma keeps me from doing things" but most of the time, I wouldn't get the answer.

And this night I still was never told the truth.

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