Blood and bird

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Samantha's POV (friday)

I walked through the door of my home seeing grandma at the table doing paperwork and a jar of water with a angelfish in it. "Welcome home Sam" she greeted me while I gave her a welcoming smile "change in plan, the boss moved the day were getting the angler fish to next Sunday. So he just told us to find more tropical fish" she explained while she tapped the jar. "Cool, hey can I go over to Kylie's place tonight?" I asked putting my cake in the fridge. "Sure, as long as no boys are there" she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Grandma, Elijah said he wasn't going to be there, and if Kylie invites some other guys I'll just either hide in the bathroom or just walk away" I rolled my eyes while she chuckled to herself. "It was a joke Sammy, but at least you know why to do, but still yes you can go" she smirked "thanks....and yes I knew it was a joke". I went to my room to grab some clothes and other stuff such as my phone charger and some garlic (just in case Kylie decides to bite my neck during the night).

I looked out my window and saw Ariana's car in the driveway, I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran out the door. "Hey Ari!" I greeted her while she rolled her window down and said hi back. "Did you get a new paint job?" I asked noticing that Ari's car used to be a regular grey but was painted navy blue and was given a chameleon paint job instead. "Yep, dad was given a raise at work and decided to let his little princess be a show off" she joked as I got in the car. "I thought that kinda stuff only happens to Amy" I joked as we just spent the rest of the car ride talking.

Kylie's house was a average suburban home but it was on a large body of land that had at least 8 Akers for her family's cows. I knew that they would drink milk but sometimes I would see Kylie poking a needle and piping blood into a bottle. "Sammy! Ari!" Kylie greeted us while Bridget was behind her with the smile on her face that would almost never disappear (it was cannon to believe that she doesn't feel sadness).

"Welcome girls!" Kylie's mom greeted us when Kylie let us in (I also thought that Kylie's mom is a vampire as well because she would almost cook nothing with garlic and always dip food into blood). "There are some snacks in the pantry and I'll be ordering pizza later, remember no garlic" she announced before she grabbed a jar of a red liquid which I assumed was blood and went into another room. "Another sleepover? Are you actually beginning to like human blood?" Kylie's 13 year-old brother Brendon came in with an annoyed face. "No Brendon, but keep annoying me and I'll see what the blood of our own kind tastes like!" Kylie jokingly yelled while he just rolled his eyes and replied "yeah, says the person that doesn't live up to what we were created to do". Kylie was a little salty but she knew one way to get him back. "Coming from the person who killed 1 cow because we didn't have any jello" she smirked before he gave her a look of defeat before he left. Destiny came 30 minutes after me and Ari arrived, and she brought her telescope to do some stargazing at night.

4 hours later

"Bridget! Truth or Dare?" Kylie asked while Bridget scratched her chin and made a decision "truth" she announced. "Do you have a crush on Elijah?", "Everyone does, but he doesn't seem like my type" Bridget responded rolling her eyes knowing that it was impossible for anyone to not like Elijah. "But it's obvious that he has the hots for Sam" Kylie smirked turning to me. "I mean....I like Elijah but I never thought that he would see me as something better, out of all girls in the school why would he choose me?" I replied rolling my eyes and scratching my head. "Anyway, Kylie! Truth or Dare!" I announced looking at Kylie as she gave a daring look. "Truth" she replied "are you a vampire?" I will admit that it was a stupid question to ask, but I needed an answer.

"I think it's time that I confirm it, yes I am a vampire" we all backed away from Kylie when she confirmed that she was a vampire. "Haha, don't worry,I don't drink human blood" she laughed as we all gave her a suspicious look "and why is that?" Destiny asked raising a eyebrow "human blood is really fatty and its worse with other blood types, that's why we raise cattle because it seems to taste better" Kylie said taking a sip from her jar. "Oh thank god" I sighed in relief. "Don't be surprised, everyone is something" Ariana added "oh really? What are you?" I asked "I'm a animagus, a person who can turn into thier spirit animal" she explained as she got up and morphed into a small green cheek conure, flew around and landed on a chair.

"Ohhhhhhhh, so now we know who was that bird who would always be running around your room when you weren't in it" I said laughing to myself realizing who the bird was. "Like I said, everyone is something" Ariana said after she morphed back into human form "I'm an animagus as well" Destiny said turning into a lizard, changing back to a human and going back to her book of constellations. "I'm normal" Bridget added "what are you Sam?" Kylie asked "I honestly don't know, but I think the things that grandma doesn't let me do might mean something". I replied then grabbing my book of mythical creatures.

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