The 2nd battle

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Samantha’s POV (Thursday)

Amy took him, I just know it. And now she wants me to hurt myself and more people just so she can spare Elijah? You know what? It sounds like something that anyone would run away from and say: “Nope! They can have them! My life matters more!”. But no, if this is what I have to do to save Elijah, AND teach Amy a lesson, so be it. I asked grandma if I could skip school today, she accepted, but she was very curious after. “Sammy? What’s going on? Is everything ok?” she asked me once I came out of my room in my bathing suit, but then I stopped in front of her, stared at her, and immediately bent down to hug her tightly. “I’m sorry… please remember me” I muttered while hugging her tightly and letting some tears fall out of my eyes, eventually I got up and walked out the door. I told Seth, Andrea, and the rest of the siren group about the situation, and asked them if they could help me out with this. They agreed, but they knew that just the group alone wouldn't be able to hurt Amy and her forces, so we agreed to stop by Atlantis and ask Poseidon for help.

We all stopped by the ocean after school with the items to open up the gateway to Atlantis. We eventually got to the beach and took turns going into the water, but we did it as quickly as possible. Once we were all is siren form, we rushed to the cave and began opening up the portal, but I was desperate to get through and ask for help. After we all went through the portal, I rushed to the palace while everyone was trying to catch up, but I burst through the doors and slightly startled the great Poseidon. “Samantha? What’s the problem?” he asked me while wearing a confused look, “I apologize to be barging in so suddenly, but I need urgent help”. “Elijah has been kidnapped, and the criminal now wants ME to fight in order to get him back” I explained, while he was beginning to look worried, “she’s a half-celestial, I know I have no chance against her, even with my friends by my side, I know none of us will survive”. “That’s why I come here, and ask for your guidance” I sighed while bowing down to the great king, “how dare someone threaten, and expect tears from our kind!” Poseidon boomed throughout the palace, while tapping the end of his trident on the floor. “We already had a war 16 years ago, why would some evil being want more bloodshed?!” he growled, but I was to afraid to speak up.

“We lost enough lives in that war, i’m not going to let someone take advantage of us and kill more. Every atlantean life counts” he looked down at me as I was saluting the king. “I will acquire you with 25 of my best guards, take this in case things get to out of hand” he said while dropping a oyster that looked like a pebble in his hand, but was about the size of a baseball in mine. The shell had strange writing on it, and there seemed to be a light coming from the inside of the oyster. “Thank you my great king, I promise, I will not let a good life go to waste” I bowed down to Poseidon before rushing out the door and meeting up with the group. The 25 guards eventually came up in their best armour and equipped with their most powerful weapons. I tried to swim back to the cave with the portal back home, but one of the guards grabbed my arm, and forced me to look at the head guard of the group. The head guard then took his trident and made a small, vertical line in the water that glowed, but the guard then grabbed up the line, and opened it up to reveal another portal to the mortal realm that lead us straight to the sunken ship.

We all took turns going through to the other side, but once we were all back home, I nervous shiver went down my spine when I saw a big warship in the distance. But I knew Amy was on that ship with Elijah, and if this is what it has to be in order to end Amy’s rage, so be it. When the warship stopped right in front of us, we went up to the surface and popped our heads out of the water, only to see an army of siren hunters aiming harpoon guns at us, while a pink-haired leader was staring right back at us. “Well then, you must have some nerve if you’re really going this far just to save your boyfriend” Amy chuckled, but as soon as she finished, one of the siren hunters pulled up a large, wooden cross that had Elijah tied to it, like jesus on the crucifix. It filled me with rage just seeing him hang there with a blank, sad look on his face.

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