Love requires sacrifice

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Amy's POV (tuesday)

Told office and parents that the squad and I weren't going to be at school the next day because Monica's place is far away and hard to find. Monica is my mom's cousins sister, she used to go to a school in Japan but she fell in love with a guy and the other girls in her literature club formed a crush on him to, so she killed them. The guy ended up telling the police so she moved to America to hide, she hasn't been found because she's a shape-shifter.

~time skip~

It was a long ass drive but sacrifices must be made for love. "I know you want Elijah, but do you think Monica is a little much?" Makenzie gave me a nervous look and everyone else had the same face. "Desperate times call for desperate measures" I said getting out of the Lamborghini in front of an abandoned house in the middle of the woods. "Oh yeah, put these in your pockets" I said giving them each a small sensor "if she gets less than 5 feet close, she'll get an electric shock, and if you think she's getting too unstable or aggressive: press the button" I explained before opening the door. The house on the inside was dirty and full of plants but the basement was the only place that was clean and tidy, I walked to the basement door, unlocked it, and down we were going...

My friends were right behind me still cautious about Monica, especially when we were right behind her. She was in a chair facing away from us writing a poem, you could see the microchip in the back of her neck that would shock her if she got to close. "Monica?" I asked before she tilted her head up looking at us. Monica was a beautiful japanese girl with brown-ish hair in a ponytail but 2 strands of hair in front. "Ah Amy, nice to see you" she got up smiling looking at me and then my friends as they backed away a foot. "Monica, these are my friends: Makenzie, Ariana, Destiny, Jaiden and Miranda" I introduced them to her as she greeted them with a small bow. "Nice too meet you all", but introduction time was over and we needed to get straight to business "Monica, we need your help".

We all sat on the couch ready to discuss everything, me closest to Monica and everyone else far away as possible. "I'm having some boy problems" I said as you could see little sparkles in her eyes "my specialty" she said before pulling up a picture of Elijah on my phone. "This is my crush, Elijah" I said as she smiled with a look in her eye that basically said be careful. "He's cute, n...not as cute as
Haruto! I mean, I....I didn't win him over, but I'm doing fine! I'm doing fine, I'm.....I'm". Jaiden noticed that Monica started twitching with the crazy look in her eyes, she reacted quickly and pressed the little button on the sensor, giving Monica an electric shock.

"*Inhale* *sigh*, I deserved it" she said in defeat "ok, Elijah is one of the hottest boys in my school, and I'm the most popular, everyone in the school always rants about how we would make an amazing couple" I explained as she nodded agreeing. "But he always hangs around this group of girls, and this girl named Samantha, he has a crush on her" I said as she began to look interested. "I had a similar problem with the literature club" she said beginning to look like a person listening to an interview. "Couldn't you just have your mom make a love potion?" She then asked raising an eyebrow "I can't, he's a siren, and their immune to love potions" I explained and she looked like she had an idea. "We live in a society of hybrids and monsters, what is Sam?" Monica asked looking suspicious, it's unknown what Sam is but I guarantee she's just as normal as she is. "97% sure that she's human". We eventually had to leave, but she did give me some valuable information.

"Find her weakness, and use it against her"

Samantha's POV (Wednesday)

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