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(this takes place in the future, everyone is now in their mid 20’s)

Samantha’s POV

I pulled up to the large house that used to be Elijah’s, now it was ours. His parents had to move to Germany for a job opportunity 7 years ago, so they offered to give us the house, they even gave us the “lifetime home guarantee” purchase, so we’d never have to pay the water, electric, or rent. I then looked at the diamond ring that was elegantly sparkling on my finger.


It’s been 5 years since we graduated high school, and now, me and Elijah study marine biology. We both agreed that we put to much work on ourselves, and that we needed a break. We decided to take a walk on the beach while the sun was beginning to set. “Remember those days?” he suddenly asked me, stopping in the sand, “the days where we were Kylie and Bridget shipped us? When we were hunted by Amy? When I found out I was a siren? Yeah, I remember” I chuckled after him. “That was also the time we started dating” he looked back at me with an adorable smile on his face, “yeah, those days were the best” I happily sighed while wrapping my arms around him and giving him a warm hug. We both stood there hugging for a moment, but the minute went on really slowly as we continued hugging, but I was starting to get curious. “What’s going through your head?” I chuckled as we broke apart, but he then looked at me with a sad look that made my heart hurt a little. Suddenly, he sighed and wiped off the sad look. “Sam, we’ve been dating for about 6 years now, and I wanted to ask you something because I think now’s the right time” he sighed while giving me the sad look again, “is.. Something wrong?”.

“No, there’s nothing wrong, I just want to tell you something” he opened his eyes and began looking deep into my eyes, “Sam, dating you has made me such a happy man, just knowing that you love me, and for every day that I get to see you smile, I have to say was the best day of my life” he smiled while letting some tears fall off his face. He then got down on one knee and gave me an even warmer smile, “being with you has meant the world to me, and I want that to be a part of my life forever, so… Samantha Bloom” he then allowed more tears to come off his face while he reached into his pocket, I braced myself for what was about to happen next. He pulled out a small black box, and opened it up to reveal a beautiful pearl ring,

“Will you marry me?”

Samantha’s POV

We got married on June 18th 2026, and I gotta say, that had to be one of the happiest moments of my life. Everyone came, even Amy. I gotta say, I’m surprised how well everyone turned out in adulthood. Bridget stayed single, but ended up starting and animal hospital, she even got her own TV show called “Vet Rose”. Kylie got married to this cute vampire guy named John, they now live in Romania, and are both doctors. Seth and Andrea got married just recently, they both work for my conservation team. So far everyone has it good, but Amy…. oh my god, is she in a much better place than she was when she was possessed. She moved to Paris and ended up marrying this hottie named Travis, she now owns a jewelry company called “Wolfang Jewels” it was funny to find out that Elijah ended up buying the wedding rings from her company. She makes some visits back home, and I can never say that I had a bad conversation with her or her husband. All I can say is that I’m happy for her.

I got out of the car and began walking to my door, immediately noticing the “US conservation agent” sign on my door. I opened up my door, bracing myself for what was about to happen next. “Mommy’s home!” my 2 children happily squealed while running up to me and giving me a strong hug. When Elijah said he wanted a family, I didn’t hesitate. We had a pair of twin sirens on March 2nd 2028, Selena and Ryan, both, a part of him, and a part of me. Unlike what grandma did to me, I didn't have a reason to lie to my children, so I told them about what's it's like to be sirens. I gratefully hugged them back while my husband walked in to also welcome me home. “Welcome home Sam, did anything exiting happen at work?” he jokingly aksed me before he gave me a “welcome home” kiss. “Nothing really special, but I thought of something that may fill my spare time” I said while putting down everything on the table, “what is it mommy?” Selena asked me while tugging on my blouse. “I’m going to write a book” I looked at everyone with a happy smile, “oohh! I love books!”, “me too!” my two children happily agreed looking up at me.

“That’s great Sam, what kind of book?” Elijah asked while he was clearing the table and putting everything back where it’s supposed to go. “An autobiography, kinda like a story of my life book” I replied, taking off my blouse, and going to the master bedroom to put it away. “That sounds good Sammy, you can get straight to work if you want, i’ll make dinner and take care of the kids” Elijah said, kissing my cheek and leaving me in the room to work. I went to my desk, got out the paper and pens, and went straight to work. I had a little trouble coming up with something to use for the introduction, but I eventually came up with something.

I live in a world where monsters walk amongst humans. Best friend could be a vampire, boyfriend could be a vagabond of the sea. My grandma gave me 2 rules: never sing in public, and never go swimming. I never knew what I was, until now. “You’re a pathetic being, you should know your place”. Ok so long story short, Hi, I’m Sam, and I’m a Secret siren

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