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Elijah’s POV

I was awake, but a bag was still on my head, at least this one wasn’t soaked in chloroform. I tried to pull it of, but I was sitting in a chair, and my hands were tied in the back. I could tell that I was in a dark room with a light above, the bag blocked out my vision, but not light. I heard someone walking around me, but then suddenly, the person then yanked the bag off my head, and to be honest, I wasn’t surprised to who I saw. “Amy, you fluorescent pink cockroach!” I growled as soon as I saw her, but she just looked at me and giggled, “Elijah sweetie, i’m actually glad you’re here, I just wanted to talk”. “Take me if you want, but leave Sam out of this”, “Samantha isn’t here at the moment, but that’s actually why you’re here” she scoffed while twirling the end of her whip in her fingers. “I’ve... heard some things about you two. My ship is coming to life! Samijah is SO cannon!, I hear them all yell every day, but i’m not going to allow that” she then turned around, but I could see her wrapping the whip around her hand, I was just hoping that she wouldn't use it on me.

“W.. what are you going to do?” I quivered in fear as she turned around and letting the whip fall on the floor, “now look, we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way” she giggled, but as soon as she finished, she sent the whip in my direction, and I braced myself for the pain I was about to experience. However, I didn’t receive striking pain, instead, I felt something rubbery and cold wrap around my neck, in which I later than figured out was the whip. Amy then walked over to me, held down the chair, and pulled on the whip, so it made my head jurk forward towards her face. “Be with me, and I will spare everything you ever loved, forever” she grinned, “refuse, or you’ll know what it’s like to lose everything”. “Make your choice” she chuckled, but I could still see the evil in her eyes, “you’re despicable, I would never be with a greedy tyrant like you” I growled in defence, but then she gave me a long, blank stare.

Suddenly, she pulled on the whip a little more, but instead of my head moving forward, the whip tightened its grip on my neck a little more. “Look, I know you love her, so i’m giving you the opportunity to leave her unharmed” he sighed while her eyes faded from red to blue, I didn’t notice this before but her eyes have been red the entire time, after thinking about it, they’ve been red ever since our sophomore year, I knew her back in middle school, and back then her eyes were crystal blue. “You have a reputation of going back on your promises, and I know that me being with you would still hurt Sam, so why don’t you go back to bending the minds of your other victims, you little bitch” I chuckled with a smirk, but as soon as I finished, her eyes changed back to red, she gave me a dirty look, and yanked on the end of the whip, it didn’t choke me, the whip ended up coming off my neck, but she pulled it off so fast that it left a couple painful cuts on my neck.

“I gave you a choice, shame there has to be bloodshed” she snarled while wiping the blood of her whip, after a moment, she walked into another room, possibly to think about what to do next, but then I heard crying. The room she walked in was made of translucent glass walls, and there were lots of lights in that room, so it was easy to see her silhouette. “Please! Stop doing this!” I heard her cry from the other room, she seemed to grab and shake her head, “this is MY body! I am stronger than you!” she continued yelling while she began slamming her body into the walls. “You have no control, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!” she then screamed out loud before collapsing to the ground, oh my god…. She’s not evil, she’s possessed. I started getting worried about her, she was just lying there on the floor, I tried freeing my hands so I could get up and help her, but she must’ve used a very strong knot, because even I wasn’t able to break the rope.

Suddenly, Amy’s hand flew up and pressed against the glass, I noticed that her long, beautiful nails, were replaced with long claws. She eventually picked herself up, opened the door, and then looked straight at me, and by god, did she look terrifying. Her eyes were glowing a bright, evil red. Her wings unraveled, but the feathers had fallen off, exposing demon wings. And she stared back at me with the creepiest smile ever. “Well then, this is going to be a fun game to play” she snarled back at me with a deep echo in her voice. Samantha.. Whatever you do, please stay safe.

Samantha’s POV (Wednesday)

It’s been a full day, and I haven’t seen Elijah for a while. Now i’m starting to get worried, he wasn’t been answering my calls, he didn’t stop by my house with the movie, and he didn’t come to school today. “Elijah’s been missing for a bit, i’m going to stop by his house to talk to his parents” I told Kylie and Bridget once the final bell rang, “yeah, mind if we come with you?” Bridget asked while putting everything in her messenger bag. “Yeah, I don’t see why not” I replied, “plus, Amy’s been gone for more than a week! What if she has to do something with Elijah’s disappearance?” Kylie added while we were all walking out to the buses. We all decided to walk home, because his house is on our way to ours. While we were walking down Mill. Ave, we were all talking about miscellaneous topics, but they ended up getting ahead of me because a certain something caught my attention. “Sam, you ok? You’re starting to-” Kylie and Bridget backed up to me, but Kylie cut herself off when she saw what I was looking at.

Elijah Parker

Age: 16Appearance: muskular, tan, silver hair, and grey eyesWent missing on March 18th

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Age: 16
Appearance: muskular, tan, silver hair, and grey eyes
Went missing on March 18th. Last seen at Kingsland High School

We continued taking the path to Elijah’s street, but that poster kept sending a message to my head, what if he IS gone? We finally got on Elijah’s street, and eventually at his house. 15 seconds after I knocked on the door, both of his parents answered the door with worried looks on their faces. I introduced them to Kylie and Bridget, but then they pulled us all inside. “Have you seen Elijah?!” Luna gasped while jumping around like an excited chihuahua, “he’s been missing for a whole day! When was the last time you saw him?!” Will yelled, running up to me. “Last time I saw him was after school ended yesterday” I sighed in defeat, admitting that I know nothing. “What if that Amy brat actually does have to do something about his disappearance” Luna added, but Kylie’s eyes lit up once she said that, “that’s exactly what I said!”.

Suddenly, when I looked down at my phone, my screen was flashing black and blue, and was looking like an old TV when it had the static error, turns out that everyone’s phone was having the same issue. “What the hell is this?” Luna growled while looking down at her phone, after a moment, the TV suddenly turned on and was having the same problem, but then a picture appeared on screen, that looked like a person in a chair with a bag on their head. The person behind them then ripped off the bag, and we were left in shock of who was on our screen, it was Elijah, his hands and feet were tied to the chair, and a red blindfold was covering his eyes. Everyone in the room gasped, but Luna threw her hands up to cover her mouth because she was looking like she was about to cry.

“This is a live recording, and she directed this message only to certain people, so, Mom, Dad, I am alive, but I am not safe” Elijah then spoke, he sounded like he was in pain, but once he said I am alive, Luna then gave out a quick sigh and crossed her heart. “Although, Sam, if you are seeing this, she’s directing this message towards you” he quivered in fear, while wet spots were beginning to form on his blindfold due to the tears. “She gave me a choice, and I had to refuse, so now she wants to see YOU” he added while the tears were starting to drip off the blindfold, “get as much help as you can, tomorrow at 4:30pm, meet her close to the ship, she’ll be waiting” the last words he said before the screen was starting to mess up. But before all screens cut to black, one more piece of audio made it through: “and please, stay strong”.

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