Missing links

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Elijah's POV (thursday)

Sam wasn't there when I woke, up her grandmother must've been worried, she fell asleep on my arm and speaking of her, there was a note where my hand was.

It got a little late and grandma was probably worried sick. But to be honest, this was probably the best night I ever had. I thought you were amazing at school, but I saw a you in a whole new light. I met someone who's just like me, and has a wonderful life that I always wanted in the past. I've made my final decision, but I need some time to myself. So on the next full moon, meet me on the cliff over the ocean close to the end mill Ave.

-❤️ Samantha

Samantha's POV

"So why didn't you come home last night?" Grandma asked after I took a sip from my cup of tea "Elijah wanted to introduce me to his other friends" I said looking back down at my plate "should've taken less than 6 and a half hours" she raised her eyebrow and gave me a suspicious look "he invited me over to his place, I met his parents, they made us dinner, we watched some movies, and I fell asleep on his arm" I explained also letting out a long sigh. "Ah, couldn't you just text me on the ride there?" She asked "i couldn't even if I wanted, he has a motorcycle" I explained before getting up to clean our plates "oh ok, bye Sammy" she said getting up while grabbing her purse, and heading straight for the door.

But I was still trying to process something: when I was at Elijah's, I had a really strange dream. I was in a dark room with at least an inch of water on the floor, then I saw a group of white glowing silhouettes and sense I didn't know where I was, I immediately ran over to them, then they started walking and I followed them, but it seemed like the water on the floor started getting deeper. After about 4 minutes of walking, we we're all fully submerged and there was a glowing ball in the distance, but it seemed like I was invisible. Then I saw the silhouettes again but they didn't have legs? They were replaced with tails. They all looked like they were going to the light, so I started going to light and it seemed like the glow was echoing too me. It sounded like a song, but I didn't realize that it was pulling me closer. But i pushed it out of my brain and got everything else ready for school.

"I called you 4 times! Where were you!?" Kylie shouted holding up her phone "we worry ok!" Bridget yelled after her but I cut them off "guys, guys, it's fine, I was just at Elijah's place". I expected them to calm down after that but when they heard the Elijah's place part, but nope! Their eyes became the size of dinner plates and formed smiles bigger than the pasific ocean. "OMG, so how'd it go" Bridget smiled and I just rolled my eyes "he introduced me to his parents, and we watched some movies, and I fell asleep on his arm" I explained but they were WAY to exited. "AHHHH! OTP, you. together. With. Him. It's. Beautiful!" Kylie fangirled screaming her mouth off. "Oh god, I shouldn't have left that letter" I said to myself under my breath but Bridget was still listening, and she heard me "WHAT?!" "*Sigh* before I left, I decided to leave him a letter".

"*Gasp* what did it say!?" Kylie yelled happily getting WAY too close for comfort "it said: that I wanted to meet him on the next full moon" I explained before they yelled louder that a Godzilla roar "to confess?!!! I SHIP IT!".

Elijah's POV

I've been prossessing everything after I read that letter, the next full moon was next Tuesday, today's Thursday 5 days. When I met Sam I thought of her as just a friend, but over time I saw something in her: she was kind, she was funny, she was caring, and she was really passionate about the things that she loved, she wasn't like the other girls. Something in me was whispering into my ear but I couldn't hear it at first, until it finnaly hit me: I was in love with her, after all the time that we spend and the sacrifices we've made to let each other be happy, my heart dropped when I read the last sentence. She loves me

But something was wrong, sirens can also tell how people are feeling by the color of their eyes, and it seemed like her eyes were filled with confusion and sadness. Why would she be like this?, But I didn't want to bother her, I'm giving her some time alone like she said in the letter. Though I knew one way to ask without going to her, there were many clubs in the school and some were really strange, and I knew about one club. I left during study hour, went to the hallway where most clubs were, began scanning the signs above the doors untill I saw witchcraft studies club. The witchcraft studies club wasn't very different from the occult club but instead of demonic rituals, this club often did palm-reading, spirit-cleansing, and rituals to protect you from evil spirits. The inside is pretty much what your thinking: dark purple walls, shelves covered in rare herbs and books, along with 2 desks in the corners for palm-reading or whatever you call the crystal ball thing?.

"Hey!" Said a girl turning to me with an annoyed look, she had a black lace dress with many ear and nose piercing's and almost all of her hair was shaved off, she looked like that one person from stranger things, who was it? Oh yeah, eleven. "Um, answer me! If you're just going to stand here, LEAVE!" She yelled clenching her fingers exposing her sharp nails "SOPHIE!" Another girl got up and gave her an angry look, she was a little shorter by 2 inches, had medium-length brown-ish curly hair, and glasses. "You weren't assigned to be leader! Stop yelling at every person that comes in here!" She stared her down untill Sophie gave her a mixed look of defeat and anger, then went back to her book. "Sorry about her, she always says that I'm to cheerful to be leader and that she should take my place" the brave girl apologized turning to me "it's fine" I replied as she smiled back "anyway, I'm Bethany! Witch and Starseed leader of the witchcraft studies club!" she introduced herself shaking my hand. I wasn't very suprised to hear that she was a Starseed their really common, Starseed's are beings who can get visions into the past, present, and future.

"Hello Bethany, can you help me with a little something?" I asked and she smiled in reply "sure! Come over here" she walked over to a desk with a jeweled crystal ball and sat down along one side, and I sat on the other side "sorry I didn't get to introduce myself, I'm.." I said but she cut me off "no need" she then gabbed a small box with 2 gems inside. She told me to grab one of the gems as she took the other and covered it with a large pomelo leaf "Elijah Parker, a very popular boy in Georgia high, species: siren" she said looking up at me while I just had a suprised look on me "now, what do you want me to help you with?" She asked putting the 2 jewels away "there's something about my friend, she's normally happy and calm most of the time but today she was different, she just looked very depressed" I explained as she wrote everything in a small notepad "any resent event's?" She asked looking up "not that I know of, I mean she actually just asked me to meet her on the next full moon" I guarantee that I blushed a little on the last part, but she smiled in agreement. "OK, so nothing that involves you, what could it be?" She mummered to herself scratching her chin, untill she noticed something on my shoulder as she reached over to grab it.

It was a single strand of Samantha's beautiful brown hair, she looked at it for a moment and told herself "this'll do". She then grabbed a small jar of some sort of powder, put a little on the hair but strangely, the powder then turned into a liquid, then she placed it on the crystal ball, dusted her hands in a different powder, and held her hands over the ball for a moment. "She is confused and nervous" she finally said looking up but I was still confused "about what?" "She's nervous about her confession (obviously) and she's confused about a recent vision" she explained but I was still confused about the vision part. "A recent vision?" I asked as she nodded in agreement "when she returned to her own home, she dreamed about something particular that left her confused" she explained but I began to feel curious about what Sam invisioned "any certain details?" I asked raising an eyebrow "well, all it's really telling me is that the vision was like a calling, the rest is a bit of a blur" she explained, but that was all I needed to know. "Thank you Bethany, this is all I need for today" I thanked her shaking her hand "glad I was able to help, come back anytime".

I left the room still processing everything she said that it was like a calling after thinking for a moment I came to one theory but it was never confirmed is she really?.
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took a little longer than usual (school stuff am I right?)

Shout-out to YourOldAccount for supporting the book, and for being a amazing supportive IRL friend to me!

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