Into the deep

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Samantha’s POV (saturday)

I thought about what Elijah said for a while, my brain was split into 2 sides, and each side was giving me a different choice: don’t go, it’s against your grandmother's rules! This is what you’re meant to be, you wanted to be something special, so now is your chance. I just sat there in the corner of my room, thinking about this, it even started to make my head hurt. But then I came to a decision, I WILL go to the ocean, weather grandma likes it or not!. It was only 11:34 so i got on my phone and asked Elijah if we could have the meeting today.

Chat between Sam and Elijah

Sam: I’ve made my choice, i’ll come to the ocean with you and the others

Elijah: Glad to see that you’ve opened up

Sam: It’s not that late, do you think we could possibly hold the meeting today?

Elijah: We won’t be able to do the poseidon's blessing today, but yes, we can hold a meeting today for you to get used to this

Elijah: We’ll probably do the poseidon’s blessing in 3 days

Sam: Ok, its fine

Elijah: I’ll inform the others, start getting ready, leave your house in an hour

Samantha’s POV

I began digging around in my closet for something I thought i’d never use, but then I stared at it for a while before putting it on. A long time ago, Kylie’s mom bought me a dark blue bikini, it was still nice of her to give it to me even though she didn’t know that I wasn’t allowed to swim.
(Yes, I hand drew this myself, so tell me if it's garbage or not)

I was lucky when I found out that the swimsuit still fit me despite me never wearing it, but I did take a moment to look at myself in the mirror with it on

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I was lucky when I found out that the swimsuit still fit me despite me never wearing it, but I did take a moment to look at myself in the mirror with it on. I just stared at my reflection in disgust, because I never wore a bikini, it was hard to look at myself with this much skin showing. Then after thinking for a bit, I took off the bottom and wrapped a large purple fleece around my waist, because what would happen to the bottoms when I formed my fins?. I then waited for a while, packing a bag with sunscreen, towels, and my phone. Once it hit 12:34, I then got up to leave. Grandma then looked up at me before I left, she looked scared and sad. “This is what i’m meant to be, you kept it from me for 16 years, nothing’s gonna stop me now”. “Just… stay safe” she said looking back down at her cup of tea, “i’ll try”.

It felt a little awkward walking around town with only a bikini top and a blanket wrapped around my waist, but then wasn’t so awkward when I realized We’re in the 21st century! Everyone walks around with their stomach exposed!.

??? POV

Sunny days, my least favorite kind, but sunny days like this make the surface of the water more clear, easier to spot those monsters. I was on my way to the ship to wait for the rest of the crew, until something caught my eye. In the sea of people around me, I noticed a teenage girl, she had brown hair and green eyes, was wearing a blue bikini, a purple blanket around her waist, and was carrying a tan bag. I stood there for a second after she walked past me, then I reached into my pocket, grabbed my phone, and called a certain someone. “Yes, this is Frey, the man you hired, I think I found the girl you’re looking for”, “perfect, leave her be for now, next time she leaves her house, i’ll let you know, we’ll start following her in 3 days”. “Leave her be?! She’s one of those sirens! Shouldn't I just kill her now?”, “we need to wait for the right time, and besides, you know what will happen if you disobey me…”. I paused for a bit after that sentence, “y..yes Amy, whatever the owner wants”.

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