Midnight Atlantis

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Samantha’s POV (monday)

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, but then I realized that we have school today, uggghh after all that’s happened, do I really need school now!?. I got up and decided to wear my light-purple sleeveless top with some light blue jeans, along with my swimsuit still underneath the outfit. I was looking in my mirror to see if the outfit looked good on me, but then I noticed something. Some parts of my skin were opening up and blue skales were now in the place where the skin was covering up. I was shocked when I saw them, especially when I saw that some were on the right side of my face, mainly next to my lip and under my ear. I thought about covering up the area with makeup, but the skin and the skales would still stick out even if it was the same color, so I grabbed a small jacket and put the hood up.

I walked to the kitchen just so I could grab a breakfast hot pocket, grandma was still asleep when I walked past her room. As I was getting everything ready in my room, I could hear grandma get up and start getting ready. When I had everything packed and was heading for the door, grandma was already sitting at the table, so I just quickly walked past her and went straight out the door. I stood at the bus stop for a while, I wasn’t in the mood for a smoothie, so I just stood there until everyone else showed up. “H..hey Sam” Kylie nervously greeted me when her, Bridget, and Elijah walked up, “hey guys”. “You doing ok?” Bridget then asked me after Kylie, “yeah, i’m doing fine”, “... they ask how you are and you just have to say that you’re fine, when you’re not really fine” Kylie suddenly brought up the most common meme ever to brighten us up, “Haha, but, seriously guys, i’m good”.

While Kylie and Bridget were off to the side talking, I went over to Elijah while my hood was still up, “hey Elijah?”, “yeah, what’s up?” he replied after I cautiously asked him. “Uhhh? Is.. it normal for this to happen to sirens?”, “what is?” I proceeded to take off the hood once he replied so he could see the skales, “oh yeah, don’t worry, this is completely normal, this sometimes happens when a siren gets out of salt water”. “Oh thank god” I sighed taking off the jacket and stuffing it into my backpack, “don’t worry, they usually go away in a couple hours, a day or two is the maximum”. We got on the bus and started chatting like we normally do, “what is your tail like? Is it cool?”, “yeah, it’s blue and is a normal merperson tail, nothing like the animal tails”. “Animal tails?! Like what?”, “like mine, I have the tail of a tiger shark” Elijah replied after Bridget while the chat just kept going back and forth, “how can you breathe? Does something happen to your lungs?”, “no, we form gills once were in water”.

We spoke for a while, but we had to stop when the bus pulled up to the school, we got off and went to our lockers to put everything unnecessary away. When we got to our 1st hour, we began talking again as usual, but I noticed that Amy and her group, again didn’t come today. When the bell rang, everyone started acting proper when they saw who was the substitute, Mr.Smith is known to be very strict, so everyone started acting tip-top shape. During the lesson, Bridget handed me a small piece of paper when Mr.Smith wasn’t looking, “it’s from Elijah” she whispered before going back to looking like she was paying attention. “I texted the others, we’re going to the beach when school ends” the note read, after getting the positive news, under his part, I wrote down: “sounds great! I already brought all my stuff, so no need for any stops”. I then gave the note back to Bridget, and told her to give it to Elijah, when he got the note, he looked at it for 2 seconds before shooting me a thumbs-up.

Class ended, and we all had to get to art class, during that class, we were instructed to create a clay sculpture and have it finished in 3 weeks. Because of everything that’s been going on, I decided to make my sculpture: a siren sitting on a rock looking at a ship in the distance. Elijah was nice enough to help me with adding textures to the hair and tail, because i’m not really that good at drawing scales. During class, I noticed that the entire time Elijah was helping me with my project, Kylie and Bridget were making weird looks at us, although they do it all the time, they seemed to have more excitement in their faces today, even Elijah was shooting me some nervous looks. After class, I had to get to Cooking class, it’s the only class that I don’t have with any of my friends.

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