The beginning ends here

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Amy's POV (Friday)

Over time, me and the crew have been thinking of ideas to get rid of Sam but they all have their pro's and cons. "You're a half-celestial! Can't you shape shift?" Jaiden asked morphing my hand-boiler into another shape with her telekinesis "yeah! Just morph into Sam and Elijah will think that it's her!" Miranda said covering half of her face with her wing "good idea, but I can only stay in one form for a certain amount of time" I sighed burying my face in my pillow.

(Guess the reference 😉)
"We could always get someone else to dispose of her" Makenzie suggested putting on another layer of lip gloss, but that also has it's flaws, "umm... Let's not bring the neighbor into this" I groaned before everyone gave me a reasonable look "actually yeah, last time that just earned you a baseball bat too the head" Jaiden groaned scratching her chin "yeah, just because I was letting him know that a bear scratched his car" I sighed burying my face back into the pillow, thank god that half celestials heal fast.

Then a green cheek conure flew in while carrying a small lizard in it's talons and squaked before they both went into human form revealing Ariana and Destiny. "Amy! We've got a problem!" Ariana saif gasping for breath "wait, what?" I asked jumping up off my bed wondering what Sam has done now "we have to make this mission quick!" Destiny flopped on the ground out of exhaustion but I was still confused "what do you mean?" "Sam is going to confess to Elijah!".

"WHAT?!!!" I screamed with my voice filling with anger and confusion "when?!" Miranda yelled while I noticed that most of her feathers were falling off "on the next full moon" Destiny finnaly said after she caught her breath. The next full moon is in 4 days.

I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that my eyes were starting to go red and horns were starting to grow "umm... Guys, back up!" Jaiden screamed while everyone else began to run to the door, and they had a good reason to. My powers can be unstable at some points of my emotion, so my anger made almost everything in my room start levitating and fly across the room. My room was now covered in shattered glass and things that were to big were scattered around the floor. "Is it safe?" Makenzie asked as she peeked in noticing that my room was a complete mess, "yeah" I sighed as I began rewinding time for everything in my room making everything clean again.

Everyone saw that I was stable again and they began to come back in "now, what advice did Monica give us?" I groaned sitting back on my bed "find her weakness, and use it against her" Miranda said regaining her trust. "Ariana, any info about her weaknesses?" I asked turning to her "nothing that much, but what I can tell you is that she can't swim"

Samantha's POV

Amy and her group of CCP'S weren't here again or Destiny and Ariana, now I'm starting to become suspicious. But I don't need more thoughts clouding my mind, I mean... I'm soon going to confess to Elijah and my shoulder angel and demon are having a non-stop argument. Thankfully Elijah listened to the letter and is giving me some space. You're finnaly starting to feel like the one girl in a high school movie, aren't you Sam!?.

"Hey guys!" Kylie and Bridget squealed happily running up to me while Elijah then arrived shortly after "you guys doing anything for the weekend?" Bridget asked in her usual happy tone "no, nothing that I know of" I sighed looking down "cool, any of you want to come with us to the beach?" Kylie asked but I was a little shocked to hear. "Wait what?" I stuttered while Elijah gave me the same look "it's going to be the warmest part of the day in an hour, might as well!" Bridget squealed happily.

"*Sigh* I'll come but I'm not getting in" I groaned in defeat before walking off. Once I got home, I noticed that grandma was already home so I just asked her if I could go. "sure Sammy, just no swimming" she said which was a shock to me hearing that she's actually letting me go close to water. I went back into my room to change into another pair of clothes, and I wore my swimsuit under the outfit just in case I wanted to break the rules again. I then grabbed my bag and began walking too the beach, it wasn't very far and was only about 3 blocks away so I got there first. During the time where I was waiting for everyone else, I decided to go over to the tiki bar and order a drink.

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