The end begins here

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Samantha's POV

It's been 4 months since the attack, and man have things gotten interesting. The gash on my arm wasn't very critical, so Poseidon was able to fix it in under 3 seconds. Amy however... although she's a half-celestial and able to heal wounds very quickly, the injury was so critical that she couldn't fix it on her own, she was on the brink of death and needed to stay in the hospital for 2 months. But even after she healed, she was forced to undergo 5 years of spiritual cleansing sessions. We heard from the physic that she was possessed by nearly 500 demons, and she was very close to being possessed by satan himself. I'm actually starting to feel bad for her, I visit the voodoo shop a lot to buy stuff, and in another room, I can always see her tied up, surrounded by 3 holy priests, being sprayed by holy water, and being smacked by herbs and large sticks. But I have noticed a difference, the entire time she was possessed, her eyes were red, but when the demons don't kick in, her eyes are blue. I've noticed that she's been acting nicer than usual, and her eyes have been blue most of the time I see her. Anyway, i'm happy that she's doing a lot better.

But now my reputation at school has now spiraled out of control! Due to me now dating the hottest/most popular guy in school, everyone is flooding me and Elijah with all sorts of questions. We answer some of the small questions, but most of the time, me and him just look at each other and laugh, even if some of those questions were right, we just didn't want to answer them. Kylie and Bridget are now apparently "presidents of the Samijah shipping fan club", which just makes us both feel awkward at a weird level, but we're still dating, and we're not going to let anything keep us apart. The siren group started going to the ocean almost every day, I joined them most of the time, I even started making trips to Atlantis, at least once a week. Grandma has been doing ok, I actually came across journal entries that belonged to my BIOLOGICAL parents, while I was talking to Poseidon about my situation with grandma to why she didn't tell me about me being a siren. I always seem to shed tears every time I read those entries. Apparently, a week after I was born, there was a war between the surface world, and Atlantis, my parents fought in the war, but they knew that I wouldn't be able to survive, so they had to leave me on the shore, my mom watched grandma while she was taking me away.

But even if those entries are sad, it still makes me happy to know that I had loving parents that only sent me away for my own good. I went to the leader of the witchcraft studies club, Bethany, to find out a little more about myself, but it turns out that I already know everything. Now that everything insane in my life has disappeared, I guess I can say... this is it. I have a good life, I have good friends, I have a perfect boyfriend, and I'm a siren, what else could I ask for? Now I can finally say:

I'm proud to be a siren

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