Siren reef

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Samantha’s POV (sunday)

When I woke up, I was too stupid to realize that I fell asleep in my swimsuit. When I got up, I decided to put on a home outfit before leaving my room. When I was walking to the kitchen, I stopped at grandma’s room to see if she was there, she was. I decided to make myself some breakfast before leaving back out for the ocean. “Morning Sam” grandma groaned walking into the kitchen, so I just responded with a “hey”. “Have a good time at the ocean yesterday?” she asked me after I handed her, her daily herbal tea, “yeah, had a great time actually” I replied before taking a sip from my own cup, “shipwrecks are a lot cooler up-close than they are on TV”. “I’ll be going back soon, the others want to show me the reef before I have to be given the poseidon’s blessing” I told her while I was eating my breakfast and she was making her own, “ think you have this whole siren thing down?” she asked me turning around with a nervous look on her face. “Yeah, I can pretty much use my abilities when I want to” I replied cleaning my plate and putting it in the dishwasher before heading straight to my room.

Chat between Sam and Elijah

Sam: GM

Elijah: GM😀

Sam: Super pumped for today! What time do you think I should leave?

Elijah: It’s little early now, you ok with leaving around noon?

Sam: Yeah, that’s good

Elijah: Ok, i’ll talk to the others, see you soon

Sam: You too

Samantha’s POV

Elijah said to just leave at noon, it’s only 9:32 right now, so I decided to text Kylie and Bridget to kill some time.

Chat between Sam, Kylie, and Bridget

Bridget: Sam? You doing ok?

Sam: Yeah, i’m good for right now

Kylie: OH THANK GOD. What happened? You haven’t said anything ever since the day at the beach

Sam: I… found out what I am, but grandma kept it from me all these years

Bridget: What are you?

Sam: I’m a siren

Kylie: Sirens, sirens😕 aren’t those the mermaids whose voices cause sailors to drown?

Bridget: You’re one of them? But why have we never seen your tail?

Sam: Yes, i’m one of them, and the reason you’ve never seen my tail is because sirens can gain legs out of water and get their tails back when submerged, grandma never let me go anywhere near a body of water

Bridget: Ah, so that explains the *leg tumor* I honestly thought that excuse was a pile of rubbish

Kylie: But her being a siren also explains what happened in choir


Sam: Elijah brought me to the ocean yesterday to meet the other sirens, my tail looks pretty cool

Bridget: Wait? He’s one too?

Sam: Yep

Sam: Oops, gotta leave you guys for now, the others are going to show me the reef close-up

Bridget: Ok, have a good time!

Kylie: But before you leave, I have a question

Kylie: Do all male sirens have abs?

Sam: …

Samantha’s POV

I put on my swimsuit and left the house when 12:23 rolled around, of course with the blanket around my waist and the backpack full of other stuff. This time I brought a little drawstring pouch so I could collect some small seashells or interesting rocks while there. When I walked out of my room, I noticed that grandma was already dressed and had her stuff ready, “I have to work today, the aquarium wants to rent a boat and go farther out at sea, try and stay safe”. I took the street that I walked on yesterday, full of small shops and restaurants with a bunch of people walking by. I was bored at the moment, but remembering that I am a siren, and I now know it, I decided to do the thing that sirens do best, sing. To lighten up the mood I decided to sing my current favorite song “faster car”.

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