Voices in the wind

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Samantha’s POV (tuesday)

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and happy as ever! My heart was still pounding over what happened yesterday, but I didn’t care, nothing is going to ruin this day for me. I grabbed my phone and went to my contacts to start texting my lovely boyfriend. I laughed when I saw that I changed his icon pic to me kissing him on the cheek and also changed his name to “baby~shark bae😘🦈”, oh god what is wrong with me?

Chat between Sam and Elijah

Elijah: Good morning hotness!

Sam: Good morning baby~shark bae!😄🦈😘

Elijah: LOL

Sam: Looks like I can also scratch “live out the happiest moment of your life on a monday” off my bucket list

Elijah: You got that right! Literally as soon as I walked through my door last night, my parents immediately said, “someone’s happy”

Sam: 😊😘

Elijah: I can only imagine what Kylie and Bridget are going to say about this once we break it to them

Sam: Oh god.. I can hear the fangirl screaming from here

Sam: Don’t worry, i’ve been handling their screams longer than you have, i’ll tell them so your ears won’t bleed

Elijah: Thank you😌

Sam: See you soon 😉😘

Elijah: 😘

Samantha’s POV

I got up and decided to wear blue jeans and my grey, short-sleeve, sweater that had a fancy collar along with dull sparkles in the cloth. But when I looked in the mirror, I noticed that the scales returned in the same spots as before, but although they still hurt a little, I was actually OK with the way they looked with the outfit. I also made sure to wear the necklace and hair clip Elijah got me. When I looked in the kitchen, I could only assume that grandma left a little early, but then I remembered that it was a late start today, so she would’ve left anyway. I made myself a fruit-and-nutella bagel for breakfast and devoured the whole thing in only 10 seconds. I grabbed my stuff and left the house quickly to meet everyone at the bus stop.

Kylie and Bridget eventually arrived and began chatting to me about miscellaneous topics, but I still kept a smile on my face. “Someone’s happy” Bridget then came up to me and noticed my hard blushing, “... what happened between you two?” Kylie then smirked while my face was beginning to glow a deeper shade of red. “Wait, last night was a full moon! What did you two do?!” Kylie continued screaming while we were all on the bus, “PLEASE tell me my ship has sailed!” Bridget then followed, “not right now, i’ll tell you during study hall”. When we all eventually got to school, Kylie and Bridget did not stop following me. I thankfully was able to hide in the bathroom long enough for them to leave.

When I got out, I began running around the school looking for Elijah, but I had to keep darting for hiding places because I was afraid that Kylie and Bridget might’ve still been following me. I wasn’t afraid about getting in trouble for skipping class because I knew that I could just hypnotize the teacher with my voice and tell them to not write me up, well, being a siren just becomes more convenient. I began running outside to the sports field where I saw most of the boys playing their baseball game, I knew Elijah had this class today, so I sat on the bleachers with everyone else to watch the game. I tried my best to blend in with the crowd so I didn’t look to suspicious, thankfully, Elijah was the only one to notice me while he was running back to home base after hitting a homerun, you ripped, gorgeous showoff. The coach let the team go off to the locker rooms 6 minutes before the bell rang, so I decided to run back into the halls and wait at the gym doors for Elijah.

“Sammy!” someone called out to me while everyone was pouring out of the gym, I turned around to see Elijah running towards me with a big smile on his face, and when I saw him, I could already tell my heart was glowing pink. “Elijah!” I yelped, running into his arms, where upon he picked me up and held me close. “I saw you in the crowd! Thank you for being there!” he smiled at me while I continued giggling like a student in kindergarten, “why would I not?” I laughed before grabbing his face and smashing my lips onto his. We stayed that way for a moment before we broke away, “Kylie and Bridget are going to be SO hyped” I laughed afterwards while he walked to class with me, one arm around my shoulder.

We all arrived at study hall where upon we were able to do anything we wanted during those 2 hours, so as usual, we all decided to go down to the library. Once we got there, Elijah and I broke apart so we could all look for our own books, I looked around for a while to see if “the lighter side of hell” and “heart of the forest” was in so I could start reading. But before I could grab “Heart of the forest”, something grabbed my arm and pulled me into a dark isle of books. “You had your time! Spill it!” Kylie squealed once I got in her line of sight, “you and Elijah! Cumon, spill the tea!” Bridget yelled grabbing both of my shoulders. “First off, personal space” I stated before they all took a step back, “now, if you really want to know, fine. Me and Elijah….. We … are dating” I whispered loud enough for them to hear. “YYYYEEEEEESSSSSSS!!! My ship!” they both screamed while jumping up and down like exited children, “OTP! You. Together. With. Him. It’s. Beautiful!” Kylie squealed, wrapping her arms around me and giving me a VERY tight hug.

“I’ll get on twitter and let EVERYONE know!” Kylie happily yelled pulling out her phone and began typing in the message, “Kylie no! Me and Elijah are trying to take the relationship slow, and what if Amy see’s it?!” I yelled attempting to grab the phone, “OK Sammy, it’s the least we can do after you made our ship cannon!” Kylie smiled putting her phone away, “and keep it quiet, we’re in a library”. We all left the library once we all got our books and went back to class to read. I was able to find “the lighter side of hell” while I was there, it’s about a girl who lives in the most haunted city in america, 3 ghosts try and bring her down to hell, but one ghost saves her and becomes her new roommate, but later on she realizes that she’s falling in love with a ghost (potential foreshadowing for a new book?😉).

~time skip~

“You seriously haven’t seen IT? We should’ve watched it the night you were over, I’d let you come over, but since we're in a relationship, I don’t want my parents to get the wrong idea”  Elijah asked me once the final bell rang, I nodded in agreement knowing what he was exactly mentioning. “Would it be ok if I came over to your place with the movie? Later today?” he then asked, “yeah, that’ll work”, “see you soon” Elijah then smiled before hugging me tightly.

Elijah’s POV

I knew that walking from here to my house, then from there to Sam’s would take a while, so I just planned on stopping at my house to grab the movie, then going straight to her place. After about 10 minutes of walking, I only managed to get a mile away from the school, so I decided to take the path to Mill.Ave, and take my shortcut through the alley. I will admit, it does feel rather sketchy walking down a dark alleyway, but it’s the fastest way to get to my block. I looked down at my phone to text my parents, but suddenly, my vision blacked out while a bag was placed over my face. I tried to pull it off, but the person had soaked the bag in chloroform, so I started to become really drowsy, the last thing I remember hearing was.

“I’m sorry, they’re making me do it”

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