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Lydia stared at those captivating emeralds.
To say he was handsome would be an understatement.

He looked gorgeous, to say the least.
He was clenching his jaw which could cut her finger if she touched it. His deep brown hair fell freely on his face. He looked young. She didn't know how she'll survive living with him.

(Lydia's Pov)

"Yes?" I heard a deep husky voice snapping me out of my thoughts.
I shook my head quickly and felt a blush creep it's way onto my face.
Of course he noticed me staring. Who wouldn't?

"You can come in." His british accent
Traveled through the modern looking office.

I nodded my head unable to form any words. I stood in front of his wooden desk. And sit on the chair that was infront of his desk. I look up to his forest green eyes.

"Name?" He says coldly and his voice sends shivers down my spine.
"Erm...Lydia Clar- Clarkson." I stutter badly infront of him.
Much to my surprise, he didn't answer.

"Any work experience?" He said pushing away the strands of short brown hair.

"I worked at a restaurant." I answered truthfully. I did work in a restaurant.
It was a 3 star one. It wasn't the best but it's payment was okay. I was fired due to tripping and spilling a drink over a customer's head.

"Why do you want this job?" He asked again. His green eyes boring into mine making me feel uncomfortable.

"Um...well...it was a long story actually. I was walking out of the kitchen when i tripped and spill-"

"Age?" Hs rolled his eyes interrupting me and i looked down in embarrassment and mentally kicked myself.
"20." I answered without looking at him because, i knew if i did i would get lost.

"Address?" He bombarded me with yet another question.
"I think that's a little private isn't it?" I said my voice above a whisper. I still didn't have a place to live in.

"You don't have somewhere to stay, don't you?" He said with a smug grin and i snapped my head towards his direction.
"What?" I asked wondering if i had imagined it in my head.
My cheeks flushing once again.

What is this man doing to me?

"You heard me." He answered sass evident in his voice. That made me do something stupid i knew i shouldn't have said considering he'd kick me out of his office but he pressed on a sensitive subject.

"Well, sorry. We don't all get born being handed a company and swimming in money and get it all with a snap of a finger. I said pointing a finger at his sexy stupid face.
Wiping the smug smirk that was on his face a second ago.

"You don't know anything about having a hard life and actually trying to work hard to achieve-"
Before i could continue arguing i was against the wall in a blink of an eye.

He was 2 inches away from me. His eyes looking into my soul. His gaze flickered to my lips before going back to meet my blue eyes.

The tension was unbearable. His tall and muscular body pressed hard against my small frame. His hand on my wrist gripping it tightly while the free one beside my head trapping me.

My breathing heavy. I felt his erection poking my thighs. I gasped and looked at him unable to form any words. Rubbing my thighs together to release what i was feeling.

"You don't know anything about me.
So shut your pretty little mouth because, next time you'll regret it."
He growled at me which was adding to the furious butterflies in my stomach and causing me to rub my thighs as hard as i could.

He released me before quickly turning around and giving me his back. His broad shoulders standing proudly.

"You can start working today." He turned back to being his cold self. If I'm guessing, with a blank expression.

What? Today?

"I will call my driver who will drop you at my house and show you your room. Do you have any suitcases?"
He asked me turning around again. While putting both of his hands in front of him to cover the visible erection.

I was still flustered. I didn't dare look at his lower body.
"Y...yes...i left them at the secretary's desk." I stuttered once again. Forcing myself to be confident, and failing miserably.

"Fine. The driver will be here now."
He said as he walked over to his wooden desk and sat on his leather chair.
"You can go now." He said without looking at me. I turned around and nearly ran out of there.

I forced a smile to the Secretary. She smiled back. I took the suitcase and got out of the company to find a black rover with a hazel eyed man standing beside it. Who was clearly the driver.

"Ms. Clarkson?" He asked. I took a closer look at him. He had round hazel eyes with black hair and a light stubble on his chin. He was handsome.

"Just Lydia please." I smiled at him. He returned the gesture.
"I'm zayn. I'm mr. styles's personal driver." He said what i thought he'd say.
"Oh. Okay. Great." I said while reaching my hand to open the car's door. Before i could, Zayn opened it for me. I grinned and entered while murmuring a thank you.
"No problem Ms- i mean Lydia." He laughed and i chuckled along with him. He closed the door before entering. He started the car and the the car roared to life.

He started driving towards Mr. Styles's house.

"Why is Mr. Styles grumpy?" I asked frowning while scenarios of what just happened flashed through my head.
Zayn threw his head back and laughed hard.

"I don't see what's so funny." I said chuckling. He was a really nice guy. He was down to earth, respectful and funny. He made me laugh. Which why i liked him in that short period of time.

"Everyone thinks that, but he's a good guy. Somewhere deep down. If he lets his guard down." He smiled a generous one.
I nodded my head.

He was a mystery and i will solve it.


After nearly 15 minutes we were here. Zayn opened the door for me and i got out thanking him.
When i turned my head i saw a beautiful mansion. It wasn't a modern one like nowadays. It was kind of old fashioned but beautiful. My mouth flew open as my hands reached to cover it.

I can't believe i was going to live here.
With this sexy beast. What's wrong with me? He was affecting me in the slightest way possible.

No one ever did that to me.


Hello lovely people!
Hope you enjoyed this!
I will be updating from 1-3 chapters a week as i have school.
Small notice:
Harry's hair is short after he cut it. If you want to picture it long. You may do what you prefer.
Thanks for reading!
Vote, comment and follow me.

-Xx A

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