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I wake up, almost damaging my alarm. It's shrill noise being the only thing heard in my room. I groan and push the covers past my half naked figure only to scream.

My throat instantly burns and I regret it. Standing infront of me is Mr. Styles himself. He's just looking at me, his green irises scanning me and that's when I realise He's blushing and...I'm half naked.

I panic and quickly run and take my robe before wearing it. I could still feel Harry's eyes burning me. I turn around again but this time I remember what He has done to me and what I had promised myself.

I will not allow myself to have any sort of unresolved feelings.

"What do you want?" I ask him rudely, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I just wanted to apologise and I'm sorry for startling you." He looks at the ground and he almost looks ashamed. good thing that sensitive Lydia is gone. I think to myself...

"Really? For what?" I look him dead in the eye.

"you...know." he mutters as his eyes are still trained on the ground, like suddenly the carpet is very interesting to look at.

"No, harry. I don't know." I take a daring step towards him.

"I'm sorry...for everything. for the way I've treated you. For the way Kristie treated you." kristie. hmm.. a slutty name perfect for a slutty person.

I shake my head to get rid of both, the weird thoughts and the stinging jealousy.

"Why didn't you defend me then? Am I that worthless?" I take another step towards him.

He looks up at me again. Green Irises staring into the sky blue ones.
"I...I am sorry." He says and leaves the room.

What the fuck? Why did he leave? Was he ashamed or guilty? So many questions yet very little answers.

I just finished my breakfast and Harry told me I could go to his office with him or stay here since I have nothing much to do... I was tired of being left here and alone. So, I decided to go with him.

As we hop in the shiny, fancy car. I look at Harry to already find him looking at me.

"I know I'm handsome, but its rude to stare, Lydia." A shiver runs down my spine at the use of my name in his very sexy voice and accent.

my name never sounded so dirty before.

"ugh." I playfully roll my eyes and he cackles like a little boy. His smile is so contagious, I actually find myself grinning like a child on Christmas eve.

"We're here." Harry says in his business like voice.

I undo my seat belt and head out of the fancy car and into the tall building.

"Goodmorning. What do I have today?" Harry asks his secretary. His tone bossy and shows that he's not a man that can be played with.

"You have a meeting at 2 and...you have a visitor." The secretary revises.

"Visitor?" Harry asks.

"Yes. I sent her in if you don't mind." Her?

Harry moves towards his big wooden door and enters after giving a quick thank you to his secretary and a quick glance at me.

"Hey there, handsome." Immediately, a bump forms in my throat and it looks like im choking on thin air.

"kristie? What are you doing here?" Harry says as confused as I am.

He's standing infront of me so, she can't see me. Neither do I but, I can recognize that plastic, fake voice a mile away. I bet she's smiling that sweet-fake smile of hers.

"I passed by...and thought I'd come pay a visit." She says, trying to seduce him. Harry moves and her eyes fall onto me, immediately.

I send her a fake smile and stand bext to Harry.

"Well, I'm a little busy."  He says, obviously referring to me.

she throws daggers at me, if looks could kill, I'd be six foot under then.

"I'll pass by tonight then." she moves closer and puts a hand on his shoulders.

"yeah. Tonight will be good." He winks at her and i feel like a knife was thrown and twisted in my stomach.

"mmm, great." she kisses his cheek and passes by me, as if I'm not there.

I loathe this woman.

"I'm...uh...going to go to the restroom."
I quickly open the door and start walking but stop in my tracks as Scarlett, Harry's assistant speaks.

"hey! what happened last time, girl?"
She says and I turn around to meet her green eyes.

"about that...Ugh. I'm so sorry." I tell her, honestly.

"hey. hey. It's okay. I know he can be agressive." She quickly comes close to me and holds my hand.

"Yeah. So how much was the food?" I tell her changing the topic.

"Lydia, you seriously didn't just ask me this. I got it." she pushes my shoulder and I laugh.

"What? No! How much was-" I'm interrupted by Harry's office door opening and him heading out.

"Scarlett. You're here to work not to chat with my guests." He demands.
yeah guest.

"Ugh. Stop it, boss baby." She says amd moves back to her office. She looks back at me again and makes the call motion and I nod at her.

"Scarlett! I swear to god-" Harry says, frustrated at her down to earth behaviour. He expects everyone to shrink down in fear. yeah. except Scarlett.

"I swear to god!" Scarlett mimics him and I burst out laughing, enjoying this too much. Harry shoots me a displeased look. oops.

"Scarlett. I'm serious. Go back to work now!" He demands again.

"Fine! Fine!"

"Lydia. come back here."

"I actually wanted to go-" I say but I'm quickly interrupted by Harry.

"I said, Come here." He growls, inching closer.

"I said no!" I growl back, trying to be intimidating.

Harry tugs me towards his office and throws me against the wall the moment he closes and locks the door.

"listen here. When Harry Styles demands something, you do it!" He shouts.

I have had enough with his attitude.
"You don't own me!" I emphasise each word.

"I actually do!" He growls. his face inches away from mine. his minty breath tickling my neck and sending shivers down my spine.

"You don't-" I try to argue but am quickly stopped when he pulls my face and kisses my lips hungrily.

Memories from what happened yesterday, go through my mind and I push him away. I run towards the corner of the room. All of my feelings resurfacing again. My chin quivers, my lips tremble. Memories of how I end up crying everytime he hurts me. How he uses me. unfortunately, that triggers something so...different.

My body starts shaking and my mind goes back to that place.

no, no, no. This can't happen now.

HI! Im so sorry for being slow with the updates. I promise I'll be faster!!!



What do you think happened to Lydia?

* ALSO I CHANGED BRITTNEY'S NAME TO KRISTIE * (kristie is the woman harry brought home and the one that was in his office.)

see ya next time!

-A xx

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