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As lydia sleeps in her room, the infamous Mr. Styles sits in his room rubbing anti-burn cream on his thighs.

(Lydia's pov)

" I swear one day i'm going to destroy this fùcking clock." I open one eye lazily before rubbing it.

As I open the other eye and sit up in my cozy sheets i'm rewarded by a sight that makes a scream rip through my lungs.

"Oh my god! Help!" I frantically look for my slippers but they are nowhere to be found. I put them there below my bed before I drifted to a deep slumber. I'm sure.

That's when it clicks in my mind. "You motherfûcker!" I scream.

I hear a knock on my closed bedroom door before I hear Harry's concerned voice on the other side. "Woah! Can I come in?"

"Oh yes!"  I tear the duvet off of me and Harry enters with a small smirk that quickly vanishes the moment I look at him which leaves me thinking if I had imagined it all in my head.

"What's going on? I see you're perfectly fine." He says, genuine disinterest and boredom lacing his voice with his usual thick british accent.

"There's a large spider!" Upon saying this, I realize something. Something that I would usually take notice of. It wasn't even moving.

It then clicks into my brain. It's simple, really. Harry was probably feeling a little revengeful today.

"It was all you, huh? You think i'm stupid? How could you do this, Harry?! I almost had a fúcking heart attack!" I launch at him and he quickly backs away.

"Excuse me?" He tries again noticing my slip but little does he know, it's not a slip and I meant for his name to be said and i'm not backing down.

"What? Did I stutter?" I challenge, my eyebrow raising.

"No, you didn't. You said something that your probably shouldn't have said. Care to repeat?" He looks me straight in the eyes and I move a few steps closer to him focusing my eyes on his and not losing the contact for one second.

"Well, since you have hearing problems, I will repeat. I said, I almost had a heart attack, Harry." I smile, unknowingly.

He moves closer to me and I could see what's going to happen So, I raise a hand blocking him. His eyebrows furrow and he looks genuinely confused.

"Nuh-uh, sir. Did you forget what happened two days ago? Because, I didn't." His eyes open for a second but he returns his cold mask on again.

"No, I didn't. About that-"

"Then, get out."

"What?" His jaw drops.

"I think you should seriously get your ears checked, sir. I said- and I will kindly repeat it once more- you should get out." I smile and nod my head towards the door while internally giggling like a teenager.

"Why should I do that?" He crosses his arms against his chest and stands taller.

"Because, sir, after that night we have nothing to talk about."

"We do, actually. Lots of talking." He says while nodding his head.

"Mhm, really?" I step away.

"Mm, yes. Really." He takes a step closer thinking his got me under his trance. That bìtch.

"And who says I want to talk to you?" I tell him matter of factly just to make things harder for him.

"No one. I just want your ears, love." My heart makes a quick somersault inside my chest upon hearing the word love which escapes his pink, heart shaped lips that are begging to be kissed.

"Well, I'll think about it. Certainly,not now. I just woke up." I turn my head towards the door once more.

"Yeah, I know. I'll pick you up at 8. Dress nicely." He winks before turning around and closing the door behind him leaving me dumbfounded in the middle of my room with the fake spider staring at me.

"Should I go?" I tell the spider. I get silence which is expected from a doll but I take it as a yes, anyways.

"Okay, thanks for your help." I remove the large spider from my door and put it on my bed instead. There's no way i'd throw it after I had formed this strong connection with it.

im such a beautiful author💁🏻‍♀️ amirite?

here's the update y'all deserve and it havent even been 24 hours since the last one


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ilyy all and tysm for all the feedback i've been receiving lately it seriously motivates me❤️❤️❤️

*also i know the chapters are very short but that is what's making me update faster!!

-xx A

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