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It was already almost midnight and no sign of Harry. I gave up and went to bed. Just as I was on the brink of sleep, I had heard the front door open.

"Is he serious?" I mumble quickly to myself. If I was being honest, I was expecting him to check on me but when I hear his bedroom door almost slam, I knew he wasn't going to.

Maybe he was frustrated because of work. I tell myself in hopes that I'd calm my fast beating heart. Although, something deep down denied that.


I wake up at the sound of the shrilling alarm making me feel like there's needles  poking my head.

I throw my legs off the bed, groggily.

"Ugh, I hate my life."

I go inside the bathroom, do the usual before going downstairs.

As I pass the hallway, I check the clock even though I had set my alarm to eight in the morning. It's only eight- thirty.

Where is he?

nowhere to be found.

Did he seriously wake up even earlier than eight?

I was starting to feel like this was no coincidence and he was indeed, avoiding me.

Why would he? I thought we were more than okay.

I end the debate in my head and get out the box of cereal and start munching on it.


fuck. Why did I do that? I know I can't be around her. She must think I'm avoiding her now.

Good job, Harry. Fuck everything up like you always do.

I felt an emotion come alive that I haven't felt in a long time. Making my stomach drop and churn, causing my heart to feel like it's not allowed to beat.

Guilt. It felt like I was somehow cheating on Lydia. Why? I know I don't have feelings for her. Then why does it feel like this?

If it was going to take a couple hundred one night stands to prove that my emotions are buried deep, deep down then I'll gladly do it.


It was groceries day so, I was out buying them. When I was done, I told Zayn to drive me to the park. A change of scenery. I thought.

"Okay, I will wait for you here, Lyd." Zayn tells me kindly.

"Thank you, Z." I smile genuinely at him and get out of the car and head inside.

Walking to my favourite place, which was obviously the lake. I reach it and look at the place were a previous wooden seating was, noticing that it was now gone. Leaving another one that was already occupied by someone.

From where I was I couldn't quite see who was there. probably just a random person enjoying the peace, just like me. I think to myself.

Having no other choice, I hesitate before walking over and sitting down next to the unknown figure perched on it.

Something about his aura seems familiar but I can't put my finger on it. Upon my approach, our similar blue eyes meet and none of us say anything until he gives me a smile, then saying "You look quite familiar. Do I know you?"

I laugh slightly. "I feel the same." We stare at each other for a while before he snaps his fingers.

"Yes! I remember now! We met here!"
After he says this with excitement I instantly remember our previous interaction. Here in the same place, before Harry showed up out of nowhere and dragged me with him.

"Linda was it?"

"No, it's Lydia."

"Ah yes, I apologise I see alot of faces but a pretty face like yours can't be forgotten."

"Thank you. Jack was it?

"Oh you have got to be kidding me. Luke. CEO of Tyson inc. Nice to meet you again." I laugh genuinely. I like him, he has a good sense of humour and people who do are almost immediately on my favourite people list.

"Small word isn't it?"

"Quite small, actually." I nod my head approvingly.

"So, is that your special place?"

"I can ask you the same thing." I turn the question back at him.

"Actually yes. That's my honest answer since you don't want to reply." He smiles.

"Yes, I love it here. The peace combined with the fresh air and the view of the lake is what really gets me. I like to come here to just clear my head, escape the world, y'know?" I declare ignoring the last part of his statement.

He claps slowly and I giggle.

"That was described perfectly, I feel the same way."

"It's even better here in the middle of the week, like right now. It offers a new level of tranquillity."

"Wow. Are you an author?"

No, a maid at that.

"No. Just a regular folk."

"Well, nice folk. Get it?" He laughs at his own joke before I throw daggers at him because of how he had meant talk.

His laughing comes to an end when he sees my unimpressed expression.

"Okay then." He mumbles and I break out laughing at him...

how ya like me now? updating every 2 days and shit. be proud. I will continue  with the frequent updates if you vote.

enjoy this filler because drama is so close hehehehehe.

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