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Baby? I nod and thankfully, he steps away leaving me some space to breathe.

"I came to take this." He taks a blue file and exits the room quickly.

"Okay, then." I say not really sure if I'm talking to him or with myself but it doesn't matter.

"I'm sorry, he could be a little rude."
I turn around to find a woman not older than 20 with ginger-ish hair and a polite face.

"You don't know the half of it." I answer her truthfully while rolling my eyes playfully.
"I think I do. I'm Scarlett."
"Hey, Scarlett! I'm Lydia. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet to you too!I'm Harry's assistant, by the way." Oh. Its not like she's going to ask who I am or how I'm related to him.

"So, what brings you here?" Are you kidding me right now? I curse at myself quietly.

"What?" She says not picking up what I just said.

"Oh. I was just saying I love your skirt." I try to change the subject. She moves in her long velvet heels towards Harry's desk.

"Oh, thank you. I was just coming by to take some files," She snatches a paper and walks over to me again.
"We both know you weren't talking about my skirt." She winks her eyes at me and gives me a card.
"Here's my number. I'm probably the best you'll see around. Looking forward to having lunch with you."
She smirks and I laugh at her playfulness. This woman is bold! I like her!

"Sure! I'd love to." I tell her honestly.

"I finish at 5. Want to head to that restaurant across the street?"

"I'm down!" She waves at me before walking out. I smile and sit down again on the chair, only this time looking at my instagram.

It was now nearly 5 and harry still haven't gone out from the meeting room. That means he'll stay late so, I decide to meet up with Scarlett since, I'm starving and I have nothing better to do and Scarlett is really nice.

I stand up from the chair, stretching my limbs that have gone numb
And start making my way to the door
To scarlett's small desk.
"Hey there. I just finished. Shall we?"
She tells me as she packs her stuff in her bag.
"Yeah, Mr. Styles is late and I have nothing better to do." She looks at me skpetically but nods her head and I feel like she will ask me what I'm too embarrassed to say.

We pass the busy road and enter a small looking restaurant with a few people eating while talking.

We head to a small table that's looking out on the busy street. The waiter hands us our menus and I go with mushroom soup and a basic chicken salad. Scarlett orders steak with fries and we hand back the heavy menu.

"So. What's your deal?" Scarlett suddenly says snapping me from my thoughts.

"Excuse me?" I tell her, obviously confused as to what she's hinting at.

"I mean, what are you to Harry?"
I knew this was coming my cheeks flush a dull red and I know I'll have to say the truth.

"Well, I... I am actually Harry's...maid." I tell her and cringe at my tone.

"Oh! Then why are you so embarrassed about it? This job pays really good." She tells me and I feel relief washing over me.

"It's just that I don't like telling people I'm a maid" I say as a I sigh.

"I'm not people. I'm your new bestfriend." She says giggling and I join in with her.
As I finish off my drink my phone rings loudly which causes me to flinch.
"I'm sorry, I'll have to take that." I tell Scarlett as 'Mr. Styles' flashes across my screen, she winks at me as my stomach drops and I get up and away from the table.
"Um, hello?" I answer my heart is beating so fast that I feel like the organ will detach from the rest of my body.

"Where the hell are you?" He growls through the phone and I take a deep breath.
"I'm across the street in the restaurant."  I tell him as I dart my eyes to the sky and notice some movement from the company. I look to see Harry clutching the phone, staring down at me. He doesn't look pleased. I gulp and he disappears inside so, I cant't see him anymore.

I turn my back to the company and give a quick wave to Scarlett as harry hangs up. I roll my eyes, such a harry thing.

That was before I felt an arm grabbing my wrist, tightly.
I turn around to find a frustrated looking harry. I gulp again looking at his green eyes.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?" He whisper yells.
"You got out late." I remind him. I take a quick look at scarlett who is looking back at us and  harry follows my trail of eyesight and notices her.

"With my fucking assistant?" He growls and pulls me closer to him.

"Harry. You're hurting me." I whisper as I try to free myelf from his tight hold but, it isn't working. He's much stronger than me.

If glares could kill, I'd be dead by now. His face hardens and his glare tears my soul. His face almost turns blue and if I was in a different situation I would laugh.

Somehow, his grip gets tighter and I feel pain shooting through out my body.
"Ouch. Harry." I say as I feel moisture collecting in my eyes.

"Don't fucking call me that." He says each word individually with a glare.
I regret saying his name immediately.

If anyone looked at us they will assume we were a couple standing, but that's not the case, at all. If people could just notice the pain I'm in.

"Mr. Styles. Please." I beg. He softens
his hold of me and starts pulling me towards the car.
"Wait, where are we going?" I say trying to resist.
"To fucking Narnia. Where the fuck would we go?" He says with dry sarcasm.

"Wait. My bag. Scarlett." He stops. Tugging me to the opposite direction, towards scarlett who has confusion printed all over her delicate features.
We walk over, or rather harry dragging me to scarlett. Harry snatches my purse. As i try to blurt out my reasoning
"I'm sorry Scarlett. I'll pay you, later."
I tell her as I feel myself collapsing but I blink the tears away, quickly.

"Lydia, please give me a call when you get back." She says, worry with concern stirred onto her face.

Harry continues tugging me to the car. As we get there Zayn gives me a sad look,opens the door for us. Harry gets in first then, I go in, without Harry's hand leaving my wrist for one second.
"Come on, Zayn. Quickly." Harry shouts. Tears start dripping on my cheek. I tug strongly with force and set my wrist free. Harry looks at me but I quickly look away.

Tears of pity roll down my cheek.
We finally arrived. The ride that was no longer than 10 minutes feels like eternity. I quickly open my door and nearly escape. I open the house using my key that he gave me and walk inside as I start to break down with harry following inside the house. He slams the door and I run up the stairs,  get into my bedroom and slam the door shut.

I jump on my bed and start crying, furiously. I hear his door slam shut too then the whole house falls silent.
It's Saturday, Which means Harry's home. Of course I cried myself to sleep. Crying over everything. My parents. Emily. Harry. Everything.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it!




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