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"So, what's your story?" Luke tells me, blue eyes filled with interest that I'm hoping is genuine.

"My story?" The question takes me aback for a second but I quickly lie, "I don't have one." Surely, I'm not going to tell a complete stranger how I lost my apartment and have to work as a maid to get by. Let's leave those for the movies.

"We all have one, sugar. It's just some are better at hiding theirs, If I'm not wrong, I'd think that's what you're doing right now but don't worry, no pressure here." I nod quickly feeling as if part of his statement describes Harry. He's definitely good at hiding his. Of course, he isn't rude because he wants to. I'm almost sure that something in his past shaped the arrogant man I see in the present. I will get to the bottom of him. Take it as a challenge at that but I know he's not all cursing and crankiness. He's like that for a reason which is what I'll find out. Sooner or later.

"Nice weather today." Luke says shifting his icy blue eyes to the green lake in front of us.

"I agree, beautiful-" I'm cut off by my phone ringing in my hand. Zayn. I already know what he'll say. Of course Harry told him to bring us home. The coward couldn't even call me himself.

"You might want to answer that." He says, pointing his finger towards my phone. 

"Right, sorry." I quickly snap out of it and answer Zayn.

"Hey, Z."

"Hey, Lyd. Sorry to interrupt your time but I've been informed by Mr. Styles to take you home."

"Of course. It's okay. I'll be right over."  I tell him before hanging up and standing abruptly facing the man infront of me.

"Time to leave, huh?" He smirks his signature one.

"Yes, actually." I laugh. "Sorry this was cut short, I had fun." He stands up and shakes my hand before saying his own goodbyes, "I had fun too, Lydia. Will see you soon. Work is calling." He tells me and I almost leave but not before hearing
the tone in his voice.

I give him one glance accompanied by a smile before turning and leaving the beautiful park.

"Okay, let's go." I tell Zayn as I swing the car door open and almost jumping inside. The comfortable leather engulfs me and I close my eyes before opening them again to Zayn talking. "Lyd. we're here"

"Oh shoot. Sorry about that."

"Don't worry," He laughs, genuinely. "I know how comfortable this leather can get."

"You're damn right about that." I laugh before bidding him goodbye and heading inside the palace where the beast will be waiting. Beautiful beast.

I close the front door behind me, my skin tingling with the urge to sleep in my very comfortable bed.

"Welcome back." He tells me. His voice travelling down my spine like a race car and doing very bad things to me. Looks like the race car caught fire.

"Woah! Look who's alive and speaking!" I fake enthusiasm then rolling my eyes.

"So funny. what'd I say about rolling eyes, huh?" He gets closer to me and I quickly dodge his nearing body.

"Oh please. Now you want to talk?"

"Lydia." He sighs then pinching the bridge of his nose.

"No. Are you done with the childish act?" I tell him, crossing my arms.

"Childish act? I had work to do. Unlike you, I'm always busy."

"Excuse me?" I glare at his direct insult and he widens his eyes slightly before shifting back to his normal, rude and  arrogant self. "We both know it's not about work. Now, Would you care to enlighten me with the reasoning of your avoidance for the past two days?" I roll my eye again. Semi-hoping to get stuck in there. "Also, stop with the insults buddy, you're not helping your case here."

He scoffs. "This is unnecessary. I'm going to bed."

"That's what I thought, coward. That's not how everything works out." I sneer and before he could take another step on the stairs he stops and turns slowly, his face red and his emerald eyes wild.

"What did you just say?" He says in a low threatening voice that would have definitely made me shit my pants if I wasn't  pissed off. Why is he even getting heated? He's the one who was avoiding me in the first place. It's supposed to be me who's pissed and not the other way around.

"You heard me." I challenge. "You decided to ignore me without a reason."

He gets dangerously close to me his eyes trapping me and I can feel his anger radiating off of him in waves, More like a Tsunami actually.

"What are you even implying?" He says. Voice low and hushed but very deadly. Like a snake, it will pounce on its prey any second with its deadly poison yet, it looks as calm as ever. Same with Harry, I can't really tell when he's going to snap. Which is something I'm usually good at.

"I've known you for three months. What? we're married now?" He laughs, a humorless one. My heart beats faster and i know what he's going to say is going to hurt but I don't back down. My mom didn't raise a quitter.

"If you wanted a quick fuck, you could just ask." He smirks and I give him a deadly glare. "Yeah? Tell that to yourself since you enjoy kissing me all the damn time." I smirk right back at him and I can see the fire in his eyes increase.

I take a deep breath to calm myself before speaking once again.
"No, we're not married or whatever shit you just said. We were fine. What happened that is what I want to know but clearly, you prefer being an ass." I say through gritted teeth.

"We were never fine. It's all a delusion in your pretty little head." ouch. That hurts.
"Someone like me does not associate with someone like you. You're just a maid, so get that cute little thought out of your head and go do your work!"
He yelled and emphasized the word maid. My stomach churns and my eyes threaten to fill with tears but I will not give him the satisfaction so instead I say, "You disgust me."  I swiftly turn around and leave him alone in the big hall.


woo! As promised, here's the chapter!

That was definitely my favourite chapter, I was so into this while writing it lollllll. hope u all liked this one as much as I did.

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shoutout to Icarus Falls, the whole album is FREAKING AMAZING

love ya zayn<3
and y'all my hoes:3

-xx A

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