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Lydia was cleaning the dining table when she heard someone clear their throat. She quickly stood up and tugged at the uniform and turned around.

(Lydia's POV)

I blush knowing my arse was on full-view for him. That sexy asshole.
"Uh, we need some stuff. I thought you'd like to get out for fresh air so you can do both." He rambled and i rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!" He scoffed. I laughed and pushed him out of the way. He grabbed my wrists tightly pulling me to him.
"I do not like that attitude in my house." He hissed and once again i started feeling hot. I gulped and nodded slowly. He looked at me intensely his eyes looking right at my soul.

He let go and turned his back on me and walked away. Just like that. How is he able to do that? Leaving me hot and flustered and he just walks casually, as if nothing happened?

I sigh and go change my clothes so i can 'buy some stuff' i roll my eyes while changing.

He gets on my nerves, in a cool way.

"Come on, you're taking fucking forever." Mr. Styles banged on my door. I jumped out of my skin.
"Alright alright." I scoff annoyed, i open the door he looks me in the eye. He didn't even check my outfit.
"Being a girl is hard." I said as i pushed him out of the way and i swear i could see him roll his eyes, that bastard. I headed to the front door after descending the large wooden staircase and waited for him to do the same as well.

After he finally came he stood infront of me and started talking with that deep voice. "Do not come home late. Here is the list." I snatched it and said. "You remind me of red riding hood."
I joke. His face remains stern. I roll my eyes and his gaze is harder now...because i rolled my eyes.

I got out taking a large deep breath. I haven't been out since i came here, well yeah the house is fancy and all but i miss my freedom, if I'm being honest to myself.

I sauntered to the gate heading to Zayn who was standing beside the car. I smiled and waved at him as he opened the door for me. Why the hell is harry not like this?

I hop in and wait for zayn to do the same. He jumps in too amd starts the car.

After 5 minutes i walk out of the car quickly before zayn can open the door for me. It's been a week since i came here and this is the second time I'm going grocery shopping.

I head in the store and start grabbing stuff that's written on the paper I'm holding right now.

"What the fuck?" I said staring at the word written as some people look at me. Condoms.

Does he seriously sleeps around? So he's a pig too? I grab the first box infront of me and gulp hard. The thought of him sleeping around with of course. Super models. Was making my stomach drop but i quickly shook the feeling away.

After finally finishing i head back home and after waving goodbye to zayn i walk in with the several brown bags amd put them on the marble counter.

As I'm doing that, i feel someone's presence. I look up to find harry standing watching me.

"Are you willing to help or what?" I said spreading my palms on the counter. He saunters over and that already makes the butterflies go wild in the pit of my stomach.

He starts looking around in the bags, looking for something.
He grabs it from the bag and i fix my gaze towards the object he's pulling out.

The condoms. The fucking condoms.
He looks at me and smirks.
"Seriously, you got me the 'glow in the dark' ones? Next time i want the pleasure shaped ones. They're great." He says with an absolute annoying smug on his face that i want to erase as i shiver in disgust.

I roll my eyes.
"You should stop doing that, love." He says as he walks closer to me and my breath hitches in my throat as he starts whispering in my ear.
"You don't want to get punished now, do you?" His voice making me feel things that i shouldn't.

"Harry." I say poking him slightly as if to push him away.
"Don't call me that." He hisses as his smug expression turn into an angry frown and he pushes me against the refrigerator. "It's Mr. Styles for you, do you understand?" He scowls at me and i put my palms on his chest and push him away.

"Y-yes. Please get off of me." I say extremely nervous. He is tempting. But i can't. My source of living is more important.

He pushes himself off of me and yet again. I see the bulge. He quickly exits the kitchen taking the condoms and i blush knowing he's hard because of me.

I sigh deeply.

The next day

I woke up doing my normal routine and heading downstairs to eat breakfast and...start working. What else would i be doing?

"I'm going to come back late." A husky voice snaps me out of my trance as i was staring at the steamy cup of coffee infront of me. I look at him and nod, not wanting to say anything else.

The door closes and i let out a breath i didn't realise i was holding. He's so complicated. One moment his cold and another trapping me against the wall.

I will solve him like a puzzle.


Sorry that chapter is small but I'm  not really in the mood.
Hopeyou liked it.
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-Xx A

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