Domestic Jin

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Jin's POV
I woke up as soon as I heard the alarm clock. I took a quick Bath and headed to the Kitchen to prepare breakfast for my brothers. You see,  I have six brothers whom I deeply cared for. They are my adopted brothers coz its their parents who took me from the orphanage after my parents died in a car accident. They said, they knew my parents back when they were in college and was a good friend of theirs. Anyway, they are really good people because they treated me like their own and I love them so much. Currently, they are on a business trip. As soon as Im done cooking I went to my brothers room to wake them up. I decided to see Kookie hyung first as he was the hardest to wake. He's just a few months older than me. I knocked first before I enter his room. I scrunched up my nose at all the mess strewn on the floor. "Hyung!!! Wake up!" I said while poking his cheek but he didnt even budge and buried himself deeper into his blanket. I took a deep breath and shout in his ear. " I swear if you dont get up IM GOING TO GIVE YOUR ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER TO EUNHA NOONA! " I cant help laughing when he suddenly got up and dell down from his bed because he got tangled up in his blanket. I quickly got out of his room as he was trying to get me.
Next up is the twins room, Taetae hyung and Jimin Hyung's room. I poked my head through the slightly open door. "Guys wake up! Time for breakfast!" "Yah, we'll be down in a minute. Go get the others. " Jimin hyung said. I was about to knock on Namjoon hyungs room when it opened and out came Jonnie hyung. "Morning Jinnie!" "Morning, Hyung! Breakfast is ready." He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Go get your things ready. I'll wake the others. So we can eat breakfast together and you can go to school early. " I smiled greatfully and skip back to my room happily.
"Youre really good at cooking Jinnie." Hoseok hyung said while stuffing his mouth with pancake.

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