Missing Tae

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"Namjoon hyung, is Tae Hyung not feeling well? He's been cooped up in his room since yesterday." Jinnie ask with worry on his face. They are currently eating dinner. As usual, their parents are not with them. They called a while ago. Saying that they have to stay in Japan a little longer to settle an important matter with a client.

" I don't know Jinnie. I've tried talking to him yesterday but he said he's just busy with school work. Don't worry too much. He'll come around sooner or later."

"Yah, Jinnie. It's Taehyung. You should get used to his unpredictable moods already. " Hoseok said trying to ease the younger's worry.

Jinnie nodded. "I'll bring him food then. I don't want him to get hungry. Jiminie hyung, do you want to help me bring Tae hyung's dinner? Your not talking much to me this days. Are you busy too?" Jin turned to Jimin who is quietly eating his food.

"I'm just busy Jinnie." Jimin answered while gently patting Jin's head. I'm sorry Jinnie.

Yoongi scoffed from across the table. Jimin tried to look unaffected while silently gritting his teeth in anger. No matter how near Jin is to him, the distance between them just seemed to have gotten wider because of the devious elder. Yoongi hyung. Just you wait. I'll get back at you and Jinnie will still be mine.

Namjoon on the other hand just silently observed what's happening. It seems that his brothers good relationship is slowly breaking. And he doesn't know how to stop it. Or who to blame.

Hoseok feeling the tense atmosphere just gave off one of his bright, sunny smile. "This food is really delicious Jinnie!"

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