Pampered Maknae PT. 1

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At dinner time everyone were fretting over me. I love the attention of my affectionate brothers but sometimes its just too much. Like I'm being suffocated.
"Hyungs, please, I can eat on my own." I can't help but pout. Why are they like this?
"But Jinnie, we want to take care of you!" a whining Jimin said. Sometimes he acts more like a child. I cant believe he's actualy older than me.
" Im old enough to take care of myself. I'm not a baby. " I said in an annoyed voice while rudely pushing my plate away from me.
"Yah! Maknae! That's not how you talk to your hyungs." Hobie Hyung said.
"Stop it Hoseok, don't shout at our baby. And you, apologize now." Namjoon hyung said while looking disappointedly at me. "That's not how our parents raised you. We never taught you that."
I instantly felt guilty. Such a shameful behavior. "I'm sorry Hyungs for my rude behavior. " I said without looking at them. I can feel a tears already falling down my eyes. I just feel so bad right now. I can feel how disappointed they are at me right now. "Can I be excused, I'm tired. I want to sleep now. "
Then, I quickly sprint into my room and locked the door. I buried my head in my pillow and covered myself with a blanket. I hate disappointing my brothers. What if they don't like me anymore? What if they throw me out of our house?  I felt so afraid of what could happen that I teared up even more. I love them so much, and our parents as well. I won't survive away from them.

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