The Last piece

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The Kim brothers were having breakfast minus Jungkook who's still training to be an idol. Jin gave an uneasy glance towards his brothers. Everyone is so quiet without the usual loud banters and boisterous laughter. Seokjin frowned. Something must have happened to make them act like this.

"Jinnie, stop playing with your food." Hoseok hyung scolded him gently. He gave him a small smile in return. At least Hoseok hyung still acts the same.

He quietly observe his other brothers. Namjoon hyung keeps stealing glances at his other brothers but he would glare at Yoongi hyung's direction. Yoongi hyung remains unbothered like always. Taehyung hyung just keeps on eating with a blank expression on his face. And Jimin hyung would look into my direction every now and then but will turn away with a pained expression on his face whenever I try to catch his eyes. Only Hoseok hyung acts like his usual self. Smiling brightly at everyone to lighten up the atmosphere.

"U-uh, hyungs, is something wrong? You all look unhappy and I don't like it." I said worriedly.

"Awww, Jinnie. Do I look sad to you?" Hoseok hyung joked while smiling brightly and making funny faces at me.

"Except you Hoseokie hyung!" I said as I playfully hit him.

" We're just tired from work Jinnie. Why don't you grab your things now, Hoseok will drive you, Jimin and Taehyung to school. Yoongi hyung and I will stay. We have something important to talk about."

"Uh, okay." I got up and followed after Jimin hyung and Tae hyung who are already seated in Hoseok hyung's car. Before I completely got out of the dining room I surreptitiously glanced back at Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung. They were glaring at each other.

On the way to school, I keep on thinking about what happened this morning. I sighed worriedly. Something has changed about my brothers. I want to figure out what had caused it. I don't want my brothers to drift away from each other. We are meant to stick together through thick and thin. Cause we are family. My family.

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