More Trouble

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Jins POV
Once Jungkook hyung told the twins what happened to him earlier it took all of his strength and a few spilled tears to stop them from finding the guys who talk to me a while ago.  I cant understand them really.  They are overreacting for a very inconsequential matter.  "Really Hyungs,  Im fine. They were just talking to me. "
Taetae Hyung has still a pissed off look. " dont talk to them ever again. I know them,  that group is up to good. "
"I won't, I promise. Just take me home now. Im not feeling well." I think my energy has been defined because of todays event. And my head is pounding. I just want to lay down on my bed now and rest.
" i'll take you home. Where are your things? " it was Jimin Hyung.
" in my locker. Lets just leave it. My head is killing me. " they are all looking at me in worth now. And i hate it when they worry like this. I feel so weak and helpless.
" no, jimin hyung i'll take him. I heard you have an exam today. " jungkook Hyung then help me get up from my seat. "both of you stop it,  i'll do it.  Im not doing anything important anyway. " Taetae Hyung also got up and took my other arm pulling me to his side.
Just wow, are they having a glaring contest now? I hate it when they're like this.
"its okay hyungs, ill just go on my own.  I can manage." i then get my bag and started to live the canteen. They didnt even seem to notice that im already walking away from them. Then suddenly i felt like everything around me is swaying in a circular motion. I felt an intense pain in my skull before everything went black.

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