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"Seokjinnie, open the door. It's me, your Hobi hyung."

Jin finally opened the door. He's been keeping himself locked up in his room ever since the day they talked to Yoongi hyung.

"Jinnie, you haven't been out of your room all day. Is everything okay?" Hoseok asked the younger who was curled up in his bed.

"Hobi hyung, why is Yoongi hyung like that?  What did I do wrong? Why does it seems like he hate me so much?" Jin asked Hoseok while trying to stop himself from crying.

Hoseok pulled Jin up in his arms and brushed the tears in his eyes. "Jinnie, I don't know what's wrong with Yoongi hyung. I think it t will be better if you just avoid him. Don't talk to him either, okay? After all, you don't need him. He's not important. As long as I'm here with you everything's gonna be okay. I love you so much my little Seokjinnie. Just stay by my side."

Jin nodded his head. His hyung's word calming him down. He snuggled further into Hoseok's arms. Basking in his warmth and the feeling of security in his presence.

As Jin was slowly falling asleep, he failed to notice the malicious smirk painted in Hoseok's lips or how his arms possessively tighten around him.

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