Jimin's pretty little secret

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Jimin and Jin were cuddling in the couch while watching a historical documentary. Jin was still upset when Jungkook left to be a trainee. He won't be seeing him for a year till he debut. He is really proud of his Jungkook hyung but it makes him sad that he will not be by his side for a long time. Good thing he has his Jimin hyung to comfort him.

"Jinnie, you want some mallows?" His thoughts were broken by Jimin hyung.  He gave him a nod and he fed him some mallows. It's a good thing that he have kind and loving brothers. Though he might not understand their actions sometimes at least they are always there for him. Especially his Jimin hyung, he always gives him warm and nice cuddles. He sighed contented. He fell warm and happy inside with his hyung's arm wrapped around his waist. Everything is good.

From somewhere in the corner of the living room a jealous eyes watched the two cuddle in the couch. His eyes are glinting in hatred towards one of them. Not Jinnie of course. He's too precious to be hated on.

Jimin. How dare you touch what's mine. Looks like I have to remind you where your proper place is. That's mean away from what's mine.

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