Touch touch

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After the accidental kiss I feel so awkward around Jimin hyung. He always steal glances at me but he never approach me. Will he tried. But Taetae hyung and Jungkook hyung are always around me. It's as if they don't want Jimin hyung to be around me anymore. Our other brothers asked us if we have been fighting or had misunderstanding because we are so quiet around each other. Yoongi hyung even threatened the older maknaes if they did anything to upset me. Thankfully, no one ever brought up the topic about the accidental kiss. Or else I might just die of embarrassment.

We were in school and Jungkook hyung decided to walk me to my assigned room since it is still early. I didn't notice Jungkook hyung's arm encircling around my waist or the way he glared at anybody who even remotely glance at me.

"Uh, hyung. We're here. I think I should go in now before our prof arrive." I said. We are standing at the entrance of the classroom.

"Ok, take care and call me if you need anything. Bye. I'll see you at lunch. " Jungkook hyung said while staring at my face.

Both of us remained standing at the doorway even after saying our goodbyes. And this is getting a little bit awkward as some of my classmates are looking at us weirdly.

"Uh, hyung. You might want to let go of me now so I can go inside." I said as his right arm is still around my waist which I only noticed now.

"Oh, I didn't realize I'm still holding you." he smile happily. This Hyung is really weird sometimes.

Finally he let go of me when we spotted my professor coming to the classroom. I gave a final wave to him and prepared myself for another boring lecture.

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