Jimin's pretty little secret pt. 2

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"Yoongi hyung, what do you need?" Jimin asked the elder with obvious irritation in his voice.

The elder looked up and smirked at him. "Oh, nothing much. Is it wrong to want to talk to my brother? It's just that you've been spending too much time on Jinnie. And you've been sickeningly touchy and clingy towards   him. And you know what?"

Jimin gulped at the murderous look his brother is giving him. His Yoongi hyung has always been the scariest among his brothers but he pretended to be unaffected. He knows how much  the elder likes Jinnie but he also like him so he can't act like a chicken now. Just think of Jinnie. He'll soon be mine.

"I don't understand what you are trying to say Hyung. Just get direct to the point. Jinnie and I have still something to do."

He saw how his brother grit his teeth trying to control his anger. "You know what I mean Jimin. Don't play dumb with me or I might just accidentally leak a video of your conversation with your best friend Kai."

"What are you talking about? What video?" He asked feeling nervous all of a sudden.

Yoongi smirked. "You know, about the incident two years ago where in an elderly woman died because she was run over by a car driven by a drunk, underage boy? Too bad, there was no witness. You were in the car with Kai that night right?"

He was trembling. His face looks white as a paper. It was supposed to be a secret between him and Kai!
"H-how did you know? Who told you?"

"Ah, Jimin-sshi. I have my ways you know."

"Why are you telling me this now? What do you want? Are you going to tell the police?"

"You have so little faith in me brother. Why will I want you and your friend to be in jail? What will I gain from that? Nothing, right?" Yoongi asked with a sugary sweet smile on his face. One thing Jimin learned about his brother, whenever he smiles something bad is always bound to happen to whoever unfortunate soul it was bestowed. Except Jinnie. He always has a soft spot for the maknae.
And now, he was that 'unfortunate soul' receiving a smile from the devil himself.

"Stop playing games Hyung. What do you want?!"

"Nothing much Jimin. Just a little favor from you. Like, staying the hell away from my Jinnie. You'll do it for me right? After all, we don't want you in jail. Right?"

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