Tears and Warm Embrace

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That's all I feel. Somebody is holding me in their arms. I inhaled the familiar scent of wood and honey. I look up to see the worried face of Jungkook hyung. He was hugging me so tight. "Hyung, you came." I said before losing conciousness once again.
When I like up it was in the hospital. I noticed the too tight grip on my right hand. It was Taehyung Hyung. I saw my other brothers crowding on the couch at the corner.  They must have put me in one of those expensive private room in the hospital. My other hand has an IV drop connected to it. I felt my eyes tearing up at the sight. My brothers really do love me. How could I have ever doubt it?  I must have woken them up with my sobbing because they were instantly crowding around me,  checking for any injury or if I am hurting somewhere. "I'm okay now that you are all here. I'm sorry for making you worry. I was so scared," I said.
"Jinnie, dont ever do that again please. If something happens to you I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." Namjoon Hyung was tearing up.
I smiled at them. I feel like the luckiest person in the world for having them as my family.
"If you ever run away from us again Jinnie I swear I'll lock you up in our house. From now on, you are not allowed to leave with out anyone of us with you." Yoongi hyung said.
Jiminie hyung reacted loudly. "hey, isn't that a little too harsh?"
"no, its okay Jiminie hyung. Its my fault anyway. And I'm sorry again for behaving rudely and running away from home. It won't happen again I promise. I love you Hyungs! "

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