The Talk

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Namjoon and Hoseok were in the kitchen eating a late night dinner. They just came back from work. Taehyung and Jimin are having a sleep over at a friend's house to finish their project. Yoongi got home early and was lying on the couch contented while watching the news on TV. And Jinnie, well, he was struggling trying to get out of Yoongi's hold. He has him trapped in his lap.

"Namjoon hyung, don't you think Yoongi hyung is getting a lot more clingy and possessive over Jinnie?"

Namjoon looked at direction Hoseok is looking at. He took a deep sigh. "I know. Seriously Hobi, I don't know how to deal with this. With Yoongi hyung. You know how he gets violent when something does not go his way."

"We should do something about this hyung. I don't think Jinnie is happy about this. Yoongi hyung's obsession over Jinnie is not healthy anymore."

"I know Hobi. I'll think of something,  hopefully."

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