Stolen Kisses

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It's just another normal day at the Kim's household. The twins and Jungkook are in the living room playing video games against each other. He had just taken a Bath and was planning of what to Cook for lunch. Thankfully he's already back in his own room. Staying in Yoongi Hyung's room is a bit awkward. He always hug him all through the night. He knows because whenever he wakes up at whatever time of the night he always has his arms wrapped on his waist tightly. Plus, he always whispers in his ear which is kinda creepy 'coz its Yoongi Hyung.  He never does that. Or,  he wasn'y suppose to do that.
Anyway, it's mother who got Yoongi Hyung to let me go back to my own room. Saying that I'm a growing boy who needs my own privacy. Which I really do.

I was humming a tune while making my way to the kitchen. "Yah, hyungs! What do you want for lunch?" I ask when I passed by them.
"Jinnie-ah, anything you Cook is fine with us. " Tae Hyung said. It's just the four of us in the house because our parents and our hyungs have work. It's only Saturday afterall.
"Oh, Jinnie, what's that on your hair?" Jiminie Hyung said while walking towards me. I can see Jungkook and Tae hyung trying to see what Jiminie Hyung is saying. While walking towards me Jiminie Hyung tripped on the pillow lying on the floor. Before I knew it he was already falling towards me. I ended up with my back on the floor and something heavy on top of me. I opened my eyes to see Jimin hyung's face very close to mine. And his lips are on mine!

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