Seokjin's Protector

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Seokjin sat at the corner while holding on Namjoon's arm tightly. His other brothers are seated around them.

"Namjoon-ah, what do you need our presence for?" Hoseok asked seemingly concerned.

"It's about Yoongi hyung, I don't like the way he is treating Jinnie this days." He said while patting Jin's arm gently and throwing a glare at Yoongi's direction.

The other males in the room also put their attention on Yoongi who was clenching his fist tightly while his eyes are throwing daggers at Namjoon.

"And how am I treating that little whore? What did he tell you Namjoon?"

Jin flinched and hid behind Namjoon upon hearing Yoongi's words. It hurts him a lot. He didn't know what happened to his sweet Yoongi hyung. He suddenly changed and he scared him greatly.

"Hyung!" Namjoon said angrily. Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung glared at Yoongi.

"What?! I'm just telling the truth. He's a whore. He doesn't want to be around me yet he wants other men to touch him." Yoongi said with a crazed look in his eyes. It's as if the video of Jin that he saw keeps playing over and over again in his mind.

... And amidst all of that is happening some one is silently cheering.

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