The good for Nothing

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Taehyung sullenly stared at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes are blank. He tried to find something good about his face. His nose, his mouth. His eyes. There's nothing special in there. He look horrible. His body is not toned down unlike his brothers. Yoongi hyung  might lack in height but he has milky, flawless skin. Namjoon hyung is tall and has great proportion like a model. Hoseok   hyung moves very gracefully like a great dancer that he is. Jiminie has a great body that everyone envy. Jungkook, well he has it all. The face, the body and the talent. And Jinnie, his sweet, beautiful Jinnie. He's the definition of perfection. And he wants that perfection all to himself. But how,  how will he ever see me more than just a brother? I am nothing compared to them. I'm ugly. And worthless. Jin won't even notice me if I am not his brother. He's right. I should not put my self around Jinnie so much. He'll just see my real ugly self and get disgusted with me. No! I can't bear it if he turned away from me. Jinnie. Jinnie. My Jinnie.


"What are you doing here in my room?" Taehyung snapped at the intruder sitting on the chair by the study table while browsing his computer.

" Nothing. Just looking around. Hey, do you mind if I copy this picture of Jin? He looks pretty cute in here."

Taehyung pulled the person away from his computer and pulled the plug out of the socket. "Get out."

"Nah. I just got here. You're always so mean to me Taehyung. I'm your brother, your hyung."

"And how I wish you aren't so I can kick your ass away from here."

The person smirked at him. His eyes shining in delight upon hearing his snarky remark. " You're right Taehyung. I mean, look at you. You don't look anywhere near us. You look so average compare to us. You don't even have any talent like us. Tell me, what are you good at?"

Taehyung stared at the person in surprise upon hearing his words. Come to think of it, all if them are recognized for something. How about me? What am good at?

"Nothing. Right, Taehyung? Because you are good for nothing. And how preposterous of you to even think that someone as perfect as our Seokjinnie will like you. Tsk. If you are not his brother he won't even notice you. Because you're  nothing."

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